Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 394 total)

  • RE: SUM of COUNT

    select CASE

    WHEN prd_cd='1' or prd_cd='2' or pr_cd='3' THEN 'PROCESSED' <---- I am looking for this only


    ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END AS "Key Check Points",...

  • RE: what do i need to do?

    I think you'll need to give a bit more detail if you want an answer.

    What forum? This forum?

  • RE: Doubt in error handling

    It's a query parsing error. SQL hasn't got as far as running it.

    Try this:


    SELECT 1/0



    RAISERROR('Divide-by-zero error detected.', 16, 1)


  • RE: Extract Amount column into positive and negative amount columns

    No, but people can tell. Sometimes someone posts a better answer anyway.

  • RE: Extract Amount column into positive and negative amount columns

    Try this. You shouldn't need 'distinct' where the same column is in 'group by'.

    --== TEST DATA ==--

    if object_id('tempdb..#epstransactions') is not null drop table #epstransactions

    if object_id('tempdb..#EPSReferralKPIs') is not null drop...

  • RE: query Help

    This would work for the data you've given:

    USE [tempdb]

    --== SAMPLE DATA ==--

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Servers') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Servers

    CREATE TABLE #Servers


    ServerNameVarchar(25) NULL,

    sybaseVarchar(25) NULL,

    MQVarchar(25) NULL,

    CitrixfarmVarchar(25) NULL,

    oracleVarchar(25) NULL,

    UDBWVarchar(25) NULL,

    IHSVarchar(25) NULL,

    WASVarchar(25) NULL


    INSERT #Servers


  • RE: Procedure with default parameters

    If you delete the parameters from both the SSRS report & the DataSet you should be OK, as long as they've all got defaults.

  • RE: FullName

    If you're still looking this may help:

    declare @Table table (Name Varchar(50));

    insert @Table values ( 'Something' );

    insert @Table values ( 'Else' );

    insert @Table values ( 'Banco Central' );

    insert @Table values (...

  • RE: SSRS Report Parameters - Multi Select

    It doesn't make any difference - you would handle the resulting parameter in the same way.

  • RE: LIKE Operator

    Good point.

    How about

    select * from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name like '%[_]%


    select * from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name like '%[_][_]%

    for two underlines..

  • RE: Smart Input on Web Input Field

    Hi This is a SQL Server forum so you're not likely to get a reply to this question.

    You need to find a forum for web development & try there.


  • RE: LIKE Operator

    select * from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name like '%_%'

  • RE: FullName

    mario.rbrandao (8/13/2013)

    More accurate than the first part of the name:



    Any suggestions on how we can identify that the first word is the foundation or bank bring full name?



  • RE: Need help with a query

    What exactly do you want to do?

  • RE: SSRS: Catch/Replace #ERROR value in cell

    You could try something like this:

    =SUM(IIF(IsNumeric(Fields!AmtX.Value),Fields!AmtX.Value * 12,0))

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 394 total)