Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 76 through 86 (of 86 total)

  • RE: A better way of generating numbers than identity

    If you add servers and databases a lot I would suggest a compound primary key. Use whatever method you decide to generate a unique ID but also add one...

  • RE: A better way of generating numbers than identity

    I'll share some code we have been using to maintain IDs in our Sybase databases for years. Sybase didn't have the concept of IDENTITY columns back when this was...


    I must say that I really am glad I somehow stumbled onto this site and receive the regular e-mails. I have been working in Sybase for about eight years,...

  • RE: view is not being refreshed !

    I would have to agree with the comments never to use SELECT * when creating views. As you can see, you aren't saving yourself any time when a base...

  • RE: Bi-directional replication


    Sorry, I should have elaborated further. I personally would use approach 2 as I like to be able to look at the data and know where it came...

  • RE: Bi-directional replication

    Bi-directional replication can be done on the same table but requires planning and very good controls on server specific code. A couple of methods are as follows:

    1) A...

  • RE: Hide password in connection string ?

    Try this and I think you will have some luck.

    Create a simple procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE p_test_success

    @success_cd TINYINT = 0



    -- @success_cd = 1 =...

  • RE: Full Text Paramter in Stored Procedure

    Simon -- No surprise about BOL

    I'm curious where you found your reference. Mine was simply going to the index, typing CONTAINS and scrolling to the bottom of that function.


  • RE: Full Text Paramter in Stored Procedure

    Books Online contradicts Simon's claim:

    H. Use CONTAINS with variables

    This example uses a variable instead of a specific search term.

    USE pubs


    DECLARE @SearchWord varchar(30)

    SET @SearchWord ='Moon'

    SELECT pr_info FROM pub_info WHERE CONTAINS(pr_info, @SearchWord)


  • RE: SQL - Return Carrage

    simonsabin is correct. You should always use both characters.

    IsNull(field1, '') + char(13) + char(10) + IsNull(field2, '').

    I also tend to include an IsNull to ensure I get field1 or...


    Why not just use a temp table?

    SELECT C.Cust_Name,




Viewing 11 posts - 76 through 86 (of 86 total)