Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 78 total)

  • RE: Login issue

    Found the problem, using the article SSCrazy suggested I ran SSP and discovered Reporting services missconfigured. Thanks again for all your help!


  • RE: Login issue

    Thank you all for your help, I will give all this a try and let you know what happens....


  • RE: Login issue


    Thanks for your reply and thanks for the tip about the domain admin account. In reference to the domain user what is a better way of starting the services? Should...

  • RE: The DBA Dilemma: How Many DBAs Does It Take to Manage an Infrastructure?

    I am the DBA for about 25 servers which are a combination of production and test systems some of which are physical machines and some are in a virtual environment....

  • RE: one character of data

    Another vote for nchar for all the reasons previously stated!

  • RE: The Problem Is You

    I also agree with the blog 'sometimes the problem is you', I get to work with both SQL Server and Oracle. SQL Server works very well for our small to...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    I will retire as a DBA in about six years unless of course something happens that causes me to lose this job!

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    I have a Ba in Administration and Leadership and a Ma in Computer Resources and Information Systems Management. I am also an Oracle OCP. I spent 20 years in the...

  • RE: Manage Your Career

    I don't mind doing this job, most of the time, however as I get closer to retirement age I find my interests have shifted. Instead of climbing the career ladder...

  • RE: The Oscars

    The ones I really enjoyed:



    Boy in the stripped pajamas -very gut wrenching film with a hard ending but very good over all

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    Personally I don't think it is any ones business what I make however, working for a city government, we don't get a choice; our salaries are very public knowledge. I...

  • RE: Problem Restoring 2000 DB to SQl Server 2005


    I found the problem, seems when we moved the databases from Oracle to SQL Server, the SYS and another user SYSTEM came over but since they were not used were...

  • RE: Problem Restoring 2000 DB to SQl Server 2005


    Yes, that is for the AM20 database. I think I need to add some back ground; The AM20 database is one of about twelve databases used by a financial application,...

  • RE: Problem Restoring 2000 DB to SQl Server 2005


    I ran the script and received no output (0 rows). Thanks for setting me straight about HTH (I guess duh!)


  • RE: Problem Restoring 2000 DB to SQl Server 2005

    Thank you for all your replys and suggestions sorry it has taken me so long to get back. I attempted HTH's suggestion of using Database copy, but keep running into...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 78 total)