Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 63 total)

  • RE: lock timeout

    Unfortunately, I don't remember the error. I will write it down next time.

    Why? What if it was query timeout?

    What if it was deadlock?


  • RE: lock timeout

    Thanks. It says -1 which means no timeout is set. So how can I get this error if it is unlimited?

    I checked the client and the server.


  • RE: can you use BCP with csv files?

    Nevermind. The answer is yes.


  • RE: cursor update


    Thanks a lot. That was exactly what I was looking for.


  • RE: using dynamic sql in from clause

    ?Why would that be better performance?

  • RE: cursor update

    here is what I have so far but it does not work:

    DISTINCT_COLUMNS is a table I made with a list of columns I want to find the distinct values for.


  • RE: cursor update

    I did not state my request clearly. I need the frequency of each DISTINCT value.

    Ex: If column_gender has 2 distinct values (M,Y) I need to find out there are 36...

  • RE: update trigger

    Worked great!!! thanks 🙂


  • RE: update trigger

    This did not work.

    create trigger mytrigger for update on Mytable as

    if update (columnA)


    update TableB

    set x = a.columnA

    from tableB b,mytable a

  • RE: better than a clustered index

    there is no index on svc_cat.

    So the second is faster or not?


  • RE: lock timeout

    query time out is set to 0 (ie. unlimited)


  • RE: How does a CURSOR work?

    SO it has to rerun the query for each row?

    I will buy that book.


  • RE: How does a CURSOR work?

    Well, this is the exact cursor I was looking at.

    select column_name,data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name ='central_regen_fact_table'

    order by column_name


    CREATE ...

  • RE: deriving free space


    I can get a select statement to work but not a procedure:

    select * into zzz

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','server_name';'sa';'secret_password',

    'exec sp_spaceused')


    Could not process object 'exec sp_helpdb'. The OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'...

  • RE: deriving free space

    Thanks Andy,

    I don't suppose there would be any way to dynamically build that table based on the results ?


    select * into table_x from table_y


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 63 total)