Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

  • RE: Trouble with Rounding Columns

    case (Select Count(*) from where (Nominatedforsurvey='true' and TPAccountID=Contact_InterimDbAccountId and NominatedforSurvey='true' and contactsurveystatus='complete'))

    when '0' then '0'


    (Select convert(numeric(5,2),Count(*)) from where (Nominatedforsurvey='true' and TPAccountID=Contact_InterimDbAccountId and NominatedforSurvey='true' and contactsurveystatus='complete'))/(Select convert(numeric(5,2),Count(*)) ...

  • RE: .bak compression script

    Yes. That solution I was directed to wasn't as helpful as I would have liked, so I thought maybe if I posted in this forum, I might find a...

  • RE: Backup Script

    Thanks. But what about compressing the .bak files into .zip files and deleting the .bak back files to save on space? Any ideas?

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)