Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 320 total)

  • RE: Timeout expired......Net SQL Client Data Provider ConnectionRead(WrapperRead())."

    anurag.sharma (7/20/2008)

    Query and connection string might not be the problem....because the same code is share between lots of application on another servers and working filne even for larger databases.

    are the...

  • RE: Backup issue

    kumar99ms (11/3/2008)

    Hi Team,

    currently i am taking backup to my remote servers using ftp but now that backup size to long how can i take my backup could you please some...

  • RE: update row if exist else insert

    abhinav00sharma (11/5/2008)

    i have a probelem in sqlserver 2005.

    i want to integrate data into a single intergration table from many other tables.

    all tables have some column names. and i want to...

  • RE: Combined Primary Keys or 1 Auto Incrementer?

    Johann Montfort (11/5/2008)

    Dear All

    I have a table Pages and it has the following fields

    PageId smallint

    PageName nvarchar(250)

    PageTitle nvarchar(250)

    fk_buildId int

    Now normally, how I do it, set the PageId as int and make...

  • RE: space allocated

    santosh.lamane (11/3/2008)


    I am having database wherein the space allocated to log file is 30 gb and i want to reduce it to 300 mb can some one please help me...

  • RE: connect sql server 2005 to sql server 2000

    guptaajay1985 (11/5/2008)

    I want to connect sql server 2005 to sql server 2000 but it is giving Error-53.

    sql server 2005 in delhi,and server 2000 in chennai ,From chennai site they are...

  • RE: Optimization time takes too long.

    Leo (11/5/2008)


    Sorry, What do you mean by that?

    in the Query menu select the option "Display estimated execution plan" to know the query execution details and also check the client Statistics

  • RE: Optimization time takes too long.

    Leo (11/5/2008)

    Off hours. Actually 23:30.

    What the execution plan says??

  • RE: creating temporary table

    PADMAPRIYA3.G (11/5/2008)


    I use a VB 6.0 application. At run time I need to create a temporary table, to copy the contents from a SQL table which has more than ...

  • RE: Securing the connection between Sql server 2005 db + oracle

    da (11/5/2008)

    Hi kshitij,

    thanks for this. can you please provide a brief overview of how this is done (architecture).

    Does the remote oracle db connect to the sql server...

  • RE: Optimization time takes too long.

    Leo (11/5/2008)


    I have setup the Optimization in DB Maintenance Plan to run 3 time in a week. But it took 4 hours to rebuild the index for 65GB of one...

  • RE: IN condition is not working in Stored procedure

    prabhakaran.ece (11/5/2008)


    I am passing comma seperated values to SP where i am using IN in the where condition, but its not displaying query results.

    Please give me a solution



    Use dynamic queries...

  • RE: Reverse engineering help needed

    crazyfig (11/5/2008)

    Hiya all,

    Here's the situation. I have a database with over 100 tables. No primary / foreign key relationship set up and no database diagram. I need to extract data...

  • RE: Securing the connection between Sql server 2005 db + oracle

    da (11/5/2008)


    We host client data on our site on sql server 2005 dbs. We have a client that wants to create a linked server to one of these sql...

  • RE: How to retrieve data

    su_kumar11 (11/5/2008)


    I have a table named 't3' as below:

    id text ...

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 320 total)