Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Brain numbing page lock problem

    Thanks for the response, but:

    1) a)Indexed on key I'm using to find row

    b)Optimised query plan


    3)No triggers


    I'm tearing my hair out here......

  • RE: Bulk insert

    rewrite your table to have 1 column and the bulk insert to be tab seperated, then run a process on the result table to split out the comma seperated...

  • RE: Slow Stored Procedure

    I have a similar process but was disatisfied with soundex for phonetic matching, so here is an alternate algorithm:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DoubleMetaPhone (@str varchar(70))

    RETURNS char(10)




    Double Metaphone Phonetic Matching...

  • RE: query projection - dynamically generating

    Or use sp_executesql N'select ' + @FieldList + N' from table' on 2000

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)