Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Why every SQL Server installation should be a cluster

    Caruncles (4/15/2014)

    Since I didn't know what "clustering" was (other than an inference in a Clint Eastwood movie) it was an interesting learning event for me. I need a disaster...

  • RE: Why every SQL Server installation should be a cluster

    I disagree strongly. This goes against the keep it simple stupid rule of thumb. I will say that if you cluster your production servers, you should cluster your...

  • RE: Breaking Down Barriers

    The first is to put them on the same team. Too often DEV, OPS, DBA, are all split. The most successful teams I have worked with, these teams...

  • RE: A Broken Data Model

    They don't have nearly enough data screening going on. Depending on the airport/airlines, you can go to the wrong gate and give them your ticket and get on the...

  • RE: The Future of DBAs

    For the last 3+ years our company has been using VMs. But mostly for for Web and APP servers. Now with the latest hardware and memory prices, we...

  • RE: Testing times

    I think there is a lot of room for an In The Trenches or Real World Examples book for SQL. I love the ones they have for SharePoint.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)