Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 182 total)

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    Of course I dont bind myself to 1, 2, 3. If I did, I'd be out a job. If you're really concerned about data integrity, use server-side cursor...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    Is this a test?

    1. NOLOCK - I know there may debate to this, but most the time populating forms or reports is not that sensitive to completing transactions. This...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    My point is that I made sure everyone that polls data is reading with NOLOCK and all my batch transactions are protected with ROWLOCK. We have a pretty big...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    I think y'all are reading into this a little too deeply. Microsoft gives you the NOLOCK for a reason. Intuitively, it will give a performance gain in a...

  • RE: Posting records from Unbound Form

    I am unsure if this will answer your Question, but this is my usual insert/update approach for "unbinding" forms.


    @tableID bigint = null OUTPUT,

    @value1 varchar(50)


    IF @tableID IS NULL --INSERT



  • RE: Posting records from Unbound Form

    Do yourself a service and use a stored proc and adodb.command object to insert records.

  • RE: Performance Effects of NOCOUNT

    When you turn the NOcount OFF you are turning COUNT ON, thus slowing the results.

  • RE: Performance Effects of NOCOUNT

    Sorry...I didn't really convey what I was thinking. And I put ROWCOUNT instead of NOCOUNT. Sorry for the confusion!

    What's the scope of SET NOCOUNT? Is it inside...

  • RE: Performance Effects of NOCOUNT

    NO COUNT OFF --> NOT COUNT NOT --> NOT NOT Count() --> Count() --> Counting takes up more resources.

  • RE: Performance Effects of NOCOUNT

    would this be a good practice inside triggers?









  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    what's the difference betweren FAST_FORWARD and FORWARD_ONLY STATIC READ_ONLY? I have no clue why I have always overlooked FAST_FORWARD.

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    It really depends on scope as far as cursor loop or whatever.

    I chose a chain of triggers because I have several tables that are accessed in several different ways each....

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    if you wrap your insert inside a transaction, then you would need an SB. The SB would add alot of complexity in my mind. But it has been...

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    SQL Server 2000. Triggers are not (as far as I know) threads waiting for an event, so I do not believe the asynchronous aspect is a problem. The...

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    I just realized I made a boo boo...not a big one in tr2

    SET @batchUID =


    SELECT TOP 1 batchUID

    FROM Books

    INNER JOIN Inserted

    ON Inserted.bookCode = Books.bookCode


    Anyhow...since each inserted record gets the...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 182 total)