Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 182 total)

  • RE: Can anyone think of a good reason for NOT having a PK?

    your best bet is to have an identity field as your PK and a non-clustered index that's imported in. The advantage here, is that you can import the data,...

  • RE: Can anyone think of a good reason for NOT having a PK?

    but an auto-number should be present for easier dba operations.

  • RE: Run stored procedure away from client

    The tolerance thresh hold, while waiting for a response from a computer, is about 3 seconds. I know I am guilty of having processes that run longer than 16...

  • RE: Can anyone think of a good reason for NOT having a PK?

    won't there be performance issues with this? just wait for them to have problems and you will be their messiah when the sh!t hits the fan. It will...

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    understood, but the NOLOCK is fine for me 😉

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    I appreciate your help, but using UPDLOCK on the joining tables has caused me more pain.

    I am using:

    DECLARE @val bigint

    --assuming T1 and T2 were just inserted into/update with...

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    could be fun. so, basically...

    UPDATE Table1

    SET ...

    FROM Table1


    ON Table1.ID = #UPD_TEMP.ID

    I'll discuss that with my colleagues. It may be excessive, like you said because I put...

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    usually between 1 and 10 after the filtering is done.

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    I have about 30 update and insert statements that don't want to play nice with each other. Some derived, and others join a series of inner and left joins....

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    yeah, I used UPDLOCK at first. The description Microsoft gives for this lock is very deceiving. It caused more deadlocks for me, because it would still lock the...

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    that is how I determined it was Page locks.

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    It basically makes sure that any previous transactions finnish before proceeding. The "READCOMMITTED" won't allow a dirty read. So then I can do a "NOLOCK" below, because I...

  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    ok I did something like this (and I have a feeling I am going to get flack for it)....

    DECLARE @val bigint



  • RE: Deadlock Mayhem

    I stripped all the transactions out, but thanks.

    I am working on something that I think will alieviate this problem, but I have to wait for "peak time" to see if...

  • RE: Joining two tables with one to many

    if he can't add the field he needs to use temp tables

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 182 total)