Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)

  • Reply To: Your Computer Science Education

    I found college courses outside the CS degree program useful, particularly those in the business realm.  A course in Logistics was highly beneficial, as well as statistics which helped with...

  • Reply To: Your Computer Science Education

    I graduated in 1981 with a degree in CS; it was relatively new degree within the Math department at the university.  (I believe a similar experience to Aaron Cutshall.)  Programming...

  • Reply To: Love

    The best definition I've read about what Love is is, "a conscience decision to value someone else more than you value yourself."  I believe the kinds of Love (Philleo, Storge,...

  • Reply To: Trust!

    Are we moving toward a lower trust society?  I think the bigger question is are becoming less virtuous as a society?  Our government It seems is finding it necessary to...

  • Reply To: Creating Documentation

    I work mainly on the DW side of the business, providing data for business data analysis. What we have found with the business is that with promotions, moves, and...

  • Reply To: Creating Documentation

    I think documentation starts in design. Pick meaningful and concise table / column / database object names. For instance, order number maybe too generic; is it a sales,...

  • Reply To: Life Organization

    Looking back over my work life there is much I regret. I now realize all the 60+ hour work weeks were not worth it. My wife asked me early in...

  • Reply To: Viva

    Developing employees to have more business knowledge, have them mentored by more experienced individuals, training them in design and architecture skills, etc. would produce a great deal more productivity, produce...

  • Reply To: Viva

    Another productivity tool?  Sometimes seems we live in a techno world focused more upon tools instead of actually solving business challenges.  I know it all comes down to how an...

  • Reply To: Tracking History in Fact Table

    Also, our DW tables contains calculated / transformed data that does not exist in the Oracle source.  So our ETL logic can be somewhat complex for determining some things based...

  • Reply To: Tracking History in Fact Table

    Our source system is Oracle.  Data is going into a SQL Server data warehouse.  Being a large corporation with multiple divisions operating on a single instance of Oracle means methods...

  • Reply To: Tracking History in Fact Table

    We had a need to track the changes happening to an order over time (some of our orders can be active for years). There were many columns of the source...

  • Reply To: Are We Suckers?

    I have developed somewhat of a balance over the years, but probably not a perfect one.  I used to work a great deal of overtime generally for no extra pay...

  • RE: Synchronize SQL databases

    We built a database re-sync between 2 servers (utilizing linked server) using a stored procedure. The procedure uses a cursor to walk through a list of tables and uses the...

  • RE: Bulk Update

    For cases where I don't really care what columns have changed, only care that the row has changed, I use checksums with the load and base tables to identify changed...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)