Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Snapshots

    Good question on reverting to snapshots. I do not necessarily agree with the 'correct' answer.

  • RE: Max processor cores

    The wording of the question mentioned 'maximum processor cores' and BOL specified Operating System Maximum for SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition. I looked up the specs of Windows...

  • RE: Index defaults 2

    Hi Hugo,

    My apologies for posting so late in the game.

    Excellent question. I did get it wrong by overthinking it and delving into the use of a CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED...

  • RE: SQL Server Browser & DAC

    Hi Nakul,

    I know I am a little late to the party, but it does seem like a competent DBA would check the logs to find the DAC port for each...

  • RE: Index defaults 1

    Great question Hugo. I do typically create constraints using the ALTER TABLE statement and I got it wrong, but I did not feel tricked at all. I enjoyed...

  • RE: Data nearing to 4GB. is there is a way to extend size?

    I think the easiest way to generate Oracle DDL would be to reverse engineer the schema into a Data Modeling tool (if you have one) and then try to generate...

  • RE: SQL Server Jobs

    Hopefully no one is "running" their database maintenance with these jobs on SQL 2005 and 2008 Express :-). This question smelled tricky from inception, and I am a little...

  • RE: T-SQL Operators

    I would like to pile on as well and claim that MDX is not equivalent to T-SQL. I found the question to misleading by not stating that a mix...

  • RE: Find user tables that have been updated in past week

    Do your users have permission to run DML statements directly against the database without using an application interface? If so, you may be out of luck without utilizing a...

  • RE: About Replication error

    Hppefully re-attempting synchronization did work for you. If not, you may want to look into the tablediff command line utility to compare the table at the Publisher and Subscriber.


  • RE: Unable to start SQL 2005

    I would start with the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration manager and work from a Remote Desktop Connection to the host or at the console directly. Look under Service...

  • RE: Constantly Growing Database with no explanation


    Have a nice night and hopefully a good weekend.

    I think that your tracing application may be a bit too sensitive or your event storage db is too small. The...

  • RE: Constantly Growing Database with no explanation

    Hi Wayne,

    Is the table [dbo.queue_messages_37575172] a persistent table or something created dynamically by the application?

    Is it possible the UPDATE transactions are modifying values of columns defined in the...

  • RE: Constantly Growing Database with no explanation

    Would you mind sharing the output of sp_spaceused and sp_helpfile while connected to the database in question?

    I believe the facts the you laid out in your post. I just...

  • RE: Auto Growth recommendations in Data files MS SQL 2005

    See BOL topic ALTER DATABASE. Make sure that you specify a maximum size if you enable autogrowth.

    I do not mean to be rude, but how is it that you...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)