Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 62 total)

  • RE: Gender Differences in the Workplace

    On the whole I liked the article and agree with it.

    One thing I might beg to differ on is the following statement:

    Managers can help this by not [...] asking the...


    Tom.Thomson (2/25/2010)

    paul.goldstraw (2/25/2010)

    I would say fixed width makes it easier to indent your code since every character fits in a same size block. For me, that's the only reason,...


    Fatal Exception Error (2/23/2010)

    Good Question

    I got it right but for the wrong reason's(process of elimination) in my opinion.

    I must say I am not a fan of the image since I...

  • RE: A question on Data Types

    D'oh! :pinch:

    Read ntext as nchar!

  • RE: Model Database


    Nice one!

  • RE: How many rows are returned from the query below?

    CirquedeSQLeil (3/4/2010)

    How many people only answer the question, unless they get it wrong?

    I quite frequently read the discussion if I got the answer right - it's all part of the...

  • RE: How many rows are returned from the query below?

    JF1081 (3/3/2010)

    Assumption 3: I have more than one user in a "users" table. If I only had one user I would be better off writing the user's info on...

  • RE: Numeric or Not Numeric

    kaspencer (2/22/2010)


    I have noticed a mixture of decimal point indicators on invoices these days, and it certainly isn't unusual to get one using the comma [,] as a decimal point...

  • RE: Counting spaces with datalength

    Looked at the MSDN article posted before trying to answer - had to search elsewhere as the MSDN en try wasn't very illuminating 🙂

  • RE: Concatenation Cursor

    Hugo Kornelis (2/26/2010)

    It might break when you upgrade to a new version, when you install a service pack or security fix, when you upgrade your hardware, or even when a...

  • RE: Finding the Correct Weekday Regardless of DateFirst

    Carlo Romagnano (2/19/2010)

    The main problem is not the format of date (dmy or mdy or ymd) nor if monday is the first day of the week, but identify the day...

  • RE: Finding the Correct Weekday Regardless of DateFirst

    Just been re-thinking about this.

    Maybe the original premise is that you always want 5 for a Thursday, not because *someone's* calendar says this, but because *the programming language's* calendar does?


  • RE: Finding the Correct Weekday Regardless of DateFirst

    This article refers to the "English" calendar.

    Of course, it should refer to the "American" calendar.

    In England, like in most of the rest of Europe, the week is deemed to start...

  • RE: When Do You Deploy?

    ChrisP-374390 (2/18/2010)

    Most interesting window I have ever seen was where the app ran on a server also controlling a factory floor - we could roll out upgrades annually on Xmas...

  • RE: Concatenation Cursor

    SQLBOT (2/17/2010)

    I usually use COALESCE but ISNULL is easier to spell.

    :hehe: LOL!

    (feels a strange urge to go hide behind the sofa...)

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 62 total)