Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Table Dependencies

    sp_depends storedprocedurename

    This would give all the dependent objects of the Stored procedure ..


  • RE: What is the argument against IDENTITY columns

    Identity columns are good for Primary keys ...

    But Identity columns have following constraint

    1) You can create only one identity column per table



    1) Suppose you have created a identity column with...

  • RE: Optimized SQL Statement

    If you are deleting data from all the tables .Then probably the best way to do this would be use the Undocumented Stored procedure

    declare @command1 varchar(8000)

    Exec sp_MSforeachtable @command1="delete...

  • RE: linked servers and different windows users (domain - stand alone servers)

    The problem is definitley with the Login ..

    Try to recreate the Linked server with login as [sa] and try running the procedures.

    I guess it would work..

    Cheers ...

  • RE: Sql query for displaying multidimensional data.

    I think it would be better if you can create a DTS package to do the export from the flat file to Access/SQL server.Probably you can write an ActiveX script...

  • RE: Trigger Help!

    I think if you change the code in the following way it would solve ur problem


    Create Trigger [dbo].[IT_Restrict_AreaCodes]

    ON [dbo].[dialempty]



    If Exists





      project p


  • RE: Wants to read ntext datatype in stored proc


    TSQL has a problem that u cannot have a variable of TEXT/NTEXT datatype.I think the best way would be use a temp table

    Create #SqlMailBody(MailBody TEXT)

    and insert all the data into...

  • RE: Single or Mutlible tables?

    Hi Sameh,

    I think that would not affect the performance much.But be sure that you create proper indexes to make sure that ur data retrieval is faster.




  • RE: Problems creating a index on view

    Hi Victor Sebastiani,

    I think that while creating the index on the view u have not mentioned (with schemabinding) option.You can create a...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)