Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 556 through 570 (of 594 total)

  • RE: Using sp_msforeachdb

    try this:

    USE master

    DECLARE @dbname CHAR(20), @name VARCHAR(12), @sql NVARCHAR(4000)

    SELECT name FROM sysdatabases

    OPEN dbs
    FETCH NEXT FROM dbs INTO @dbname

    SELECT @name...
  • RE: Generate Next Key from Stored Procedure

    Just wanted to point a couple things out that you may want to look at before anything else regarding this procedure:

    1) There is no error handling anywhere in the...

  • RE: login failure

    This may be a silly question, but if someone with an NT username matching USERB is attempting to access SQL Server through QA using NT Authentication, wouldn't you get the...

  • RE: How do i update field having ntext data type ?

    Please post the stored procedure in question to get a response. Include the table schema in question.

  • RE: Generate Next Key from Stored Procedure


    update dbo.zMaster

    set @RegNumber = RegistrationKey, RegistrationKey = RegistrationKey + 1


    Way cool! You...

  • RE: Table/Column Naming Conventions (Opinions Wanted)


    There is no enforcement mechanism like you have in OO languages.

    There are no mechanisms in...

  • RE: inserting into two tables at one time

    What about:

    DECLARE @ContractID INT

    INSERT INTO manufacturerContract
    @manufacturer_id, @per_minute_percent, @rental_percent, @when_dt, @emp_claimed_id

    SET @ContractID = @@IDENTITY

    INSERT INTO manufacturerContractItem
    VALUES (
    @ContractID, rest...
  • RE: inserting into two tables at one time

    why in the same statement? why not 2 insert statements?

  • RE: Union 2 tables


    1. ...sent where you got the syntax error...

    already addressed. please read above...

  • RE: Importing from case sensitive systems

    Could you show some code or schema or something to get things started...

  • RE: Table/Column Naming Conventions (Opinions Wanted)


    Thanks for the replies. Decided to lose the [Id] concept and use the more meaningful names like EmployeeId.

    January 27, 2003 at 6:45 am


  • RE: Help with best approach to large number of records


    Is there a way to really tweak out a tables indexes for high speed lookups?

    Is there an Ideal approach to this situation?

  • RE: How Do I....


    How do I return multiple columns from a single row Select to be used in variables within some TSQL script?

    would be appreciated.

  • RE: Union 2 tables



    select x.Vessel,x.callid,sum(x.total_minutes) as total_minutes

    into tempweek

    from (select Siteid as Vessel,callid,sum(airtime) as total_minutes from oldbill02 with(index(siteid)) where callwhen >='12/31/2002' and substring(callnbr,5,3)<>'976' and siteid<>' '...

  • RE: Stats IO and Functions


    No one has responded to this topic yet. Even if you don't have a complete answer, the original poster will appreciate any...

Viewing 15 posts - 556 through 570 (of 594 total)