Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: Can We Skip the Marketing?

    I'm rather surprised that anyone is still surprised about this. For 30 years Microsoft has been about marketing and sales, not about technology.

  • RE: Women in Technology

    Lynn Pettis (1/6/2010)

    My daughters are excelling. Oldest has already graduated high school, and probably would have done much better had we gotten her into the high school she graduated...

  • RE: Women in Technology

    MelS-512196 (1/6/2010)

    Just as a point of speculation, we might ask why there are so many more young boys than young girls getting lost in the world of video games...


  • RE: Women in Technology

    I must say I'm rather shocked at some of the responses in this thread.

    First of all, to say that men are better at thinking logically than women is...

  • RE: Bad habit #2: Prod data -->> dev, test databases

    In fact it was the inadequacy of testing against random production data and it's likelihood of allowing the re-entrance of previously fixed bugs ("brittleness" or worse) that led to the...

  • RE: Bad habit #2: Prod data -->> dev, test databases

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/13/2009)

    Andrew is pretty on here with what I think. The exceptions I'd make for production data is in a brake/fix or User Acceptance Test environment where...

  • RE: Bad habit #2: Prod data -->> dev, test databases

    Andrew Hatfield (5/13/2009)

    It is concerning that your developers believe they not only require production data, but that they are unable to do their job without it. I'd be looking...

  • RE: Bad habit #2: Prod data -->> dev, test databases

    Barkingdog (5/13/2009)

    Good point:

    Of course while it may not match production data RedGat'es data generator (and others) is a good start in my opinion.


    But that's the whole point, isn't it? ...

  • RE: Need help breaking "bad habit"

    I wouldn't worry much about Dev yet. Sounds like you've got a huge job ahead just limiting Test and Prod.

    First you have to find someone that can and will...

  • RE: Bad habit #2: Prod data -->> dev, test databases

    I'm going to disagree with a lot of this, and say "It Depends". If you have a database that is 200MB of data for a home grown app with...

  • RE: Normalize or denormalize?

    "It Depends" what you consider duplicate data. Is the price of a Product duplicate data on Sales Order or Invoice if the Price is also stored in the Inventory...

  • RE: Normalize or denormalize?

    I'll jump on the bandwagon here. When designing a database, I first normalize and see where that gets us. When requirements or performance demand denormalization, there isn't anything...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: Improving Northwind

    Northwind is great because of it's simplicity. Anyone can understand it. To improve it would be to completely destroy it's purpose. If you want to create a...

  • RE: Using SQL Server to talk to Progress

    A few comments...

    I haven't really tried linked server, but I don't think there would be a big issue. The ODBC driver has improved immensely in the last few versions....

  • RE: If You Ain't Cheatin'

    I agree with those that say cheating has always been there. Every time I hear or read anything that starts with "Todays younger generation..." I roll my eyes. ...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)