Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 236 total)
You can just search google for books. For me, I only use books as a reference. Have you checked the pluralsight website? You can sign up for a month for...
May 8, 2015 at 11:55 am
Why don't you modify this, create a "new view" with the data you are going to need and then query that? It seems like you need a better view.
May 8, 2015 at 11:48 am
Check the linked server to see if there's a timeout setting. However, this to me sounds like a networking issue. Is there other stuff running at the same time that...
April 24, 2015 at 5:40 pm
DBA Pete (4/20/2015)
I am setting up Availability Groups and I want to use the secondary replica to perform the full copy_only backups to reduce the load on the primary...
April 21, 2015 at 5:07 pm
Check out this official page from Microsoft,
April 21, 2015 at 5:00 pm
How many different locations? Are the files in a standard format? Do they all ind with .bak or .sqb? Are the locations share mapped or drive mapped?
It will be a...
April 21, 2015 at 4:04 pm
Just to clarify, are you saying that you want to look for recently deleted backup files?
Oh, I think I see what you mean, you're looking for a script that will...
April 21, 2015 at 2:57 pm
What's the purpose of the masters? Is the for the purpose of redundancy? Reporting? Or something else?
April 20, 2015 at 10:43 am
Are you looking for conditional HTML or are you just going to create another statement with the red font? The easy way would be to use an if statement. You...
April 15, 2015 at 4:42 pm
Is this a one time thing? If not, I would implement a trace.
Also, look at your event viewer to see if you have errors around the same time.
April 15, 2015 at 4:40 pm
The temporary #cases table isn't updating while your other update is running correct?
April 15, 2015 at 4:33 pm
Use batches as noted by Jason. Not only will it prevent this problem (as long as your t-log backups are set up properly), but it should be faster too.
April 15, 2015 at 4:31 pm
qur7 (4/7/2015)
This is just a POC question. when we upgrade SP2 from SP1, we dont have to upgrade all the hot-fixes and cummutative upgrades prior to SP2. My understanding...
April 7, 2015 at 10:53 am
In the report, create a link button to the file on the file server. Click the link and it should pop up. Not 100% sure this would work, but it's...
April 6, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Grant Fritchey (4/5/2015)
Jeff Moden (4/4/2015)
krypto69 (4/4/2015)
Grant Fritchey (4/4/2015)
April 6, 2015 at 2:17 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 236 total)