Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
Thank you , i will try that and get back to you !
June 19, 2005 at 9:34 am
What is the bottelneck , the fact to import the whole file in memory or to use "sp_oa" suite procedure?
of what i have understood from your post , is it to import...
June 18, 2005 at 5:43 am
They are imported through with the help of this SP
--declaration of local variable
exec sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @objFSys out
exec sp_OAMethod @objFSys, 'OpenTextFile', @objFile out, @XFileName, 1
exec sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'AtEndOfStream', @blnEndOfFile out
while @blnEndOfFile=0...
June 17, 2005 at 9:40 am
To me it's from the import , all the files are correctly formed and not sent unless they meet the requirement on data coherence with the sql server database.
June 17, 2005 at 9:15 am
The imported files contains a list of "Key=Value". Before inserting the different values in the appropriate tables , they are all stored in local variables, manipulated ( cleaned and converted...
June 17, 2005 at 9:11 am
well it seems to me that the reboot is necessary for reinitiating everything.The botteleneck is mainly the free ram usage.
it seems also that the dynamic memory management of the sql server...
June 17, 2005 at 8:49 am
Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)