Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 70 total)

  • RE: Using a single quote name on an Insert value

    The following is from the BOL

    When QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON, SQL Server follows the SQL-92 rules for the use of double quotation marks and the single quotation mark (') in SQL...

  • RE: Slow SQL Server

    I've seen problems similar if they are running on the same server, but not on different ones. Had to do with explicit destruction of the connection in ASP. ...

  • RE: backup failure

    oops. Just re-read the issue. Who is the owner of the user db?

    Joe Johnson


  • RE: backup failure

    Are you writing it to the same physical server? If not, try accessing the path from a separate (non-biased) system. It could be the path. Also have...

  • RE: Inserting Images

    Yes. Look up BLOB, ntext, text, and image

    in the Books Online.

    However, depending upon your situation, it may be preferable to store a pointer to a file (fully qualified DSN)...

  • RE: QOD 15 Oct 2003

    Just one more point.

    I remember in the distance past when I had no stinking clue what a select statement was or even how to spell sequel. We all aren't...

  • RE: QOD 15 Oct 2003

    I agree with Andy. I've learned quite a bit from the QOD and really don't feel ashamed when I get something wrong.

    I feel that I learn especially from the...

  • RE: problem with old style joins *=

    I ran into the problem when we first went to 2000. I found the sections in the BOL that basically tell you not to use them.

    Basically, this...

  • RE: Not 100% solid on backup's


    I'd also recommend doing the log backup a little more frequently. It's not expensive and you wind up with about the same...

  • RE: when is 'success' workflow really a failure ??

    I assume you have the lastest service pack, but you might want to check? I believe there was a problem something like this prior to SP3. I don't...

  • RE: Best Practice for Web Development

    Just wanted to chime in with my choice of editor -- Crimson Editor. Cheap (free). Fast. Good syntax highlighting.

    Joe Johnson


  • RE: Complicated SQL Query

    Oops. I see you posted while I was getting the ASP ready. Great job!

    Joe Johnson


  • RE: Complicated SQL Query

    You mention cost as a factor of not using Crystal Reports. Do all of the users have Microsoft Office? You could use Access as the front end (best...

  • RE: QOD 23/09/2003

    I would like to see some questions like the tests. At some point, when I get the time [:-)], I would actually like to take them.

    Joe Johnson


  • RE: What to learn next: how to build for thin clients

    I like web based. I can do almost anything in ASP that I can do in a thick client.

    However, I have been known to partition the application as well....

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 70 total)