Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)

  • RE: They Call Me Andy Null

    I have to confess to having written
    <variable> := NVL(<variable>, 'NULL');
    in an Oracle script, and not that long ago.

  • RE: I Hate To Send This Email

    This is something that does not seem to get talked about much when it comes to reports of logins and passwords being stolen, but how are passwords being stolen? In...

  • RE: How Do You Act When You Need to Learn New Technology?

    Yes, that happens a lot.

  • RE: How Do You Act When You Need to Learn New Technology?

    Two of my guiding principles are these:

    An I.T. skill typically has a 'life' of about 5 years, so you can expect to have to learn a new skill at least...

  • RE: Losing All Traces of Data

    The key bit for me: "If the information was of any age, it would be stored in multiple locations on different media, some of which would be offline. " ...

  • RE: The Math on Automation

    The key phrase for me was "one of the main powers of automation is consistency and repeatability. "

    It means I do not have to remember the steps in what might...

  • RE: Masking Data

    Some 20+ years ago, I was a member of a team developing a CRM system. I was tasked with producing test data for it. We had no production...

  • RE: The Counter Offer - Part 1

    My advice would be never (ok, rarely) accept the counter-offer. My reasoning is this. They've offered this, that and the other to tempt you to stay.


  • RE: Would You Pay To Wear Jeans?

    An informal Dress-Down Friday had operated in some parts of my company for a little while, and recently, the company was moved to point out that there was no agreed...

  • RE: Culture Clashes and Arrogance

    The scenario described seemed extraordinarily confrontational. You do not want other folk preventing you from getting your job done, and guess what? Nor does anyone else. Rather...

  • RE: Naming Confusion

    Where I work, we host thousands of servers for hundreds of clients, so we have to be organised about server naming. The first 3-4 letters indicate the overall system,...

  • RE: Would a Duress Password be a Good Idea?

    Firstly, if you have arrived at the point where you need a duress password, your physical security is already compromised.

    Secondly, before going down this road, it would be worth considering...

  • RE: The Opportunistic Hacker

    Even *using* a company laptop in a public place poses a security risk, as people can look over you shoulder and see your data on screen. As for leaving...

  • RE: Two Days Off

    Oliveoil (1/8/2015)

    The 2 days should be a good motivation to move all the stuff to another cloud-service and never look back... 😉

    Just got a business-idea: The meta-cloud! :-)) A...

  • RE: Two Days Off

    I would expect a Cloud implementation to be highly resilient. The technology for highly resilient infrastructure has been around for years. You can get any level of availability...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)