Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Transactions

    stephen.long.1 (10/9/2014)

    I thought of it like working with two accounts: credit one account, then debit another; if the debit fails, then rollback the credit "automagically".

    If you were using this query...

  • RE: ALL clause in SQL Server

    I got it wrong because I haven't had my coffee yet. I somehow didn't see the '7' in the list of department ID values. :doze:

  • RE: Assigning categories to values 2

    I suspected a question like this would be coming soon, so I practiced yesterday! 😎

  • RE: Outer join with condition

    This example shows that the query isn't logically the same as if it would contain filtering in "where" which is executed after joins are made.

    This example shows how difficult...

  • RE: SQL

    Next time, I will read every word in the question. Even though it's only 3 letters, "not" is a very important word!:blush:

  • RE: Parsing values in the WHERE clause

    Good question (Translation: I got it right).

    I would just like to point out that Ringo's last name is spelled Starr.

  • RE: Unique constraint on a nullable column

    Ninja's_RGR'us (12/2/2010)

    97% wrong answers??? Maybe there's something not quite correct with the question.

    A 'correct' answer is one that matches the exact set of correct choices. No partial credit, even...

  • RE: Model DB

    I got 3 out of 4 right. Don't I get partial credit? 😀

  • RE: Index Structures

    My problem is, I couldn't find a clear definition of "Index Structure". It seems to be a loosely-defined term. It's hard to count something I can't define.

    Can anyone give a...

  • RE: DateTime

    SQLServer stores the DateTime in an 8-byte field. The first four bytes are the number of days since 1/1/1900. The other 4 bytes represent some fraction of a second past...

  • RE: NULL

    This was a very poorly-worded question, and the answers weren't any better.

    By definition, "NULL" means "NULL". They are not equal in a comparison, but that is what NULL means.

    NULL does...

  • RE: This SqlTransaction has completed

    For future reference:

    I was able to solve this pretty simply. I just needed to add the transaction as a parameter on the ExecuteNonQuery. Setting the transaction property of DbCommand wasn't...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)