Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 63 total)

  • RE: Overriding System Messages

    In that case the very purpose of constraints itself is questioned, each time you have to see in the lookup table means even you can avoid the constraint as a...

  • RE: Supress warning out of a stored procedure

    Are all agreeing that there is no structured exception handling in SQL?

  • RE: Partial Restoration (Table)

    Thank you all for overwhelming response to my somewhat foolish question, But if some one knows what exactly the DUMP and LOAD (SQL 6.5 ) statements where doing ,What ever...

  • RE: Starting trouble

    Let me clarify the topic once again

    I am not doing anything with the data just inserting from one table to another


    Insert into Table1 (po_no,po_date...
  • RE: Starting trouble

    One curious error we are getting in the procedure 3,its in an insert statement which is includes a select statement date time out of range.

    The interesting thing is there is...

  • RE: convert float to varchar datatype

    SQL server supports altering a numeric colum to increase size ?,I cant drop the table even for minutes


  • RE: db library dead !!!!


  • RE: db library dead !!!!

    raiserror('Invalid Plant Allocation',16,2 )

    the system failes in the the ,conditional statement not in the raiserror()

    Will one cast in the in if () will solve the problem ,

    Problem is serious...

  • RE: 4 hour plus query

    Normally such operations are required for data warehousing sort of applications. But even there we can better represent information using some statistical ideas like summing, frequency table etc. If you...

  • RE: Upgrading our SQL Servers

    If any one have got references to problems with SQLSrver upgrading please share with me,In our case it seems to be a never ending process ,correcting errors one bye...

  • RE: Using IF in a SELECT statement?

    ReallyReally I wrote something with out seeing the actual question ,

    In general if you want to add more columns go for joins ,

    Why all are complicating elementary things (including...

  • RE: Using IF in a SELECT statement?

    With the following assumptions I am trying to answer the nikels question ,

    Accounts table is some thing like

    Cretate table Accounts
    acccountid int ,
    cc_type ...
  • RE: Using IF in a SELECT statement?

    With the following assumptions I am trying to answer the nikels question ,

    Accounts table is some thing like

    Cretate table Accounts
    acccountid int ,
    cc_type ...
  • RE: Output to file

    Dear friend

    Let me know one thing, are you trying for client side cursors or disconnected record sets. In that case I better suggest the use of DB library...

  • RE: Cursors - Are they always the wrong way

    Hay dear ones,

    Cursors are really easy to understand, but for queries taking ours together to complete may create problem, through out this time we have to block our users in...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 63 total)