Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 702 total)

  • RE: Finding the best way to export delimited data out of SQL Server

    This sounds like a job for SSIS. For the ad-hoc extracts you seem to describe, the "import-export" wizard would be the easiest way to go as it builds the...

  • RE: JOIN vs Subquery

    You may want to look at the estimated execution plan for each version -- use Ctrl+L or find the icon near the "Execute" button in SSMS. Just because you've...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Alvin Ramard (10/21/2009)

    Bob Hovious 24601 (10/21/2009)

    Sigh... I always over-design things.

    Before the XML data type, all data could be stored in tables with a no more than 4 columns. Now...

  • RE: SQL script: to all script writers out there

    With an OUTER join, it does indeed make a difference whether the criteria is in the ON clause or the WHERE clause. Let's construct an example with data to...

  • RE: File Groups

    Steve Jones - Editor (10/19/2009)

    nice question, I missed the clustered part.

    The engine definitely should inform someone if this doesn't work.

    Funny thing. I missed this because I DID see the...

  • RE: Varchar or Char?

    Yes, hard drives now cost in the range of a dollar a GB, but the line of business I support has to pay the enterprise infrastructure division quite a bit...

  • RE: Varchar or Char?

    Tom Garth (10/16/2009)

    .....I get the feeling that John derived this question from a real world application rather than just for kicks.

    Actually, yes. I've been going through a database structure...

  • RE: Varchar or Char?

    Wow. Amazing amount of information in this discussion, folks. I thank you all, especially those who pointed out alternate takes on the question and explanation.

    Yes, when formulating the...

  • RE: update query on multiple tables

    Unless you're trying to change the key fields, what's the problem? Or are you trying to work out how to control INSERTS to tables related with foreign keys?

  • RE: How to create a trigger only if it does not exists

    Rups (10/14/2009)

    IF EXISTS (select * from sysobjects where name like '%reminder2%')

    DROP TRIGGER reminder2


    CREATE TRIGGER reminder2

    ON Sales.Customer FOR INSERT AS


    select 1


    Try this...


    I'm curious about whether there's a particular reason we'd use...

  • RE: AND & OR

    Stop whining about "trick" questions! This one taught me to consider and be careful of automatic conversion of datatypes.

    I got it right, but would have missed it if one...

  • RE: replicate

    Joshua Perry-333829 (10/8/2009)

    If string_expression is not of type varchar(max) or nvarchar(max), REPLICATE truncates the return value at 8,000 bytes. To return values greater than 8,000 bytes, string_expression must be explicitly...

  • RE: IN Operator

    I did find something on MSDN, although it's a bit old (says "applies to SQL Server 2000 and 7.0"). As Hugo pointed out, SQL Server follows the ANSI/ISO spec by...

  • RE: IN Operator

    The explanation correctly states that the leading spaces cause a mismatch for the two entry codes "CH" and "DE", but doesn't really explain why SQL compares 'MU ' as equal...

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 702 total)