Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Encrypting the entire database.

    SQL really does not have anything that will do what you are asking but you could probably get close. As mentioned there is TDE but that is just meant...

  • RE: sql 2008 specs

    Server core is basically a gui-less version designed to be an extrememly minimal install. It only supports certain roles like dns, dhcp, etc. It also does not support managed...

  • RE: Windows server 2003 Standard Edition X64 bit

    SQL 2000 Standard only supports 2GB. It does not support AWE. If you need more than 2GB you will need to use Enterprise Edition or upgrade to 2005/2008.

  • RE: Work Group Mirroring

    Workgroup can only act as witness. It cannot act as the principal or mirror. You will need standard or enterprise edition for the principal and mirror roles.

  • RE: Publishing a Stored Procedure as a Web Service

    According to Microsoft you should use Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) or ASP.NET instead.

    Here is the link of deprecated features and their replacements.

  • RE: Best method to migrate to new DB server

    If all of your paths are staying the same and you can handle some downtime then to me the easiest is to install sql on the new server at the...

  • RE: System Databases

    Well thats good to know you can't move the Mssqlsystemresource in 2008. In 2005 it was very important to keep it with master.mdf.

    I also noticed for the answers...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 SP 3

    It looks like you have similar issues with the other sql products as well...


    MSI (s) (58:FC) [23:54:47:000]: Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88fd.msp'.

    MSI (s) (58:FC) [23:54:47:000]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88fd.msp 3:...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 SP 3


    After some sleep and a review of this thread, I saw you had posted your logs. Here is what I found.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp'.

    MSI (s) (58:74)...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 SP 3

    I have ran across this several times with SP2 on client machines...

    Is your sql update failing because of missing files?

    1)Be sure to check out the logs in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL...

  • RE: Multiple Ports

    In SQL Configuration Manager simply separate the two ports with a comma. ex. 1433,xxxx. Then restart sql services.

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)