Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Do You Verify Your Database Backups?

    We test them daily as they are transferred and restored to another server.

    This another server is called "the clone".

    Therefore anyone (testers, developers, ...) can do tests, simulation, analysis,... on the...

  • RE: T-sql

    I didn't mean that.

    When we store the data in the DB, we convert ' to ´ in the C# code.

    We almost never store any litteral in SP, Triggers,...

    So when the...

  • RE: T-sql

    For easier maintenance & management, we replace ' with ´ when we store names in the DB.


    DECLARE @name varchar(100)

    SET @name='GIRI''S'

    SELECT @name,replace(@name,'''','´')

    Therefore, we don't need to encode them when we fetch...

  • RE: Preferred singer for expert DBA

    I didn't even got the 8 points !

    Guess I'm too young to think that Elton as something to do with rock...

  • RE: Upgradation from SQL server 2000 to 2005

    I did the same recently. The biggest issues for us was the *= joins.

    I used this script to look for any *= in storedproc. All our sp are...

  • RE: Debugging TSQL Code in MS SQL 2000

    Not quite sure about this but I think that debugging is not feasible on a SQL2000.

    When we have to do some debugging on sql2k, we use the "PRINT ..." statement.


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)