Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 46 through 58 (of 58 total)

  • RE: Attached and Detached

    The following script will tell you what is attached.  From that you can figure out what is not.


    use master


    exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = 'use ?;select convert(varchar(30),name) as Name,filename from sysfiles'

  • RE: Searching through stored procedures


    from sysobjects so

    join syscomments sc

    on =

    where sc.text like '% text to find %'


    This will give you the name of the object


  • RE: How to retrieve all columns of a multi-column index

    drop table ##Indexes


    create table ##Indexes (

     TableName varchar(60),

     IndexName varchar(60),

     IndexDescription varchar(100),

     IndexKeys varchar(125),

     IndexType int



    declare @Name varchar(500),

     @Count int,

     @SQL nvarchar(500)

    set nocount on


    DECLARE Process_cursor CURSOR


    select name

    from sysobjects

    where type = 'u'

    and name not like 'dt%'

    order by name


  • RE: Transaction Logs - Limited Size and optimizations

    First Issue:


    -- run this before and after to see what happens

    select cast(name as varchar(20)) as Name,

     cast(size as varchar(10)) AS SIZE,


    FROM sysfiles

    declare @TooBig int

    -- Set variable to current size

    -- Be sure to...

  • RE: Re-Installing production database server sql 2000

    I think that the mean old dba has a good approach..  I have done this successfully several times using much the same process.  The only difference is with the DTS packages. ...

  • RE: sp_detach_db

    In short, don't tempt fate.  You will not like the outcome.  I learned this the hard way at the price of a long sleepless night.  When you attempt to take...

  • RE: Multiple database !!!

    SQL 2k will support a max of 16 instances on one machine.  The number of databases on one instance is a different question.  Your limitations there are disk space and...

  • RE: How Can I Get a List of the Fields in a Table?

    Here is a script I use to get a little more detailed information about a given table:

    declare @TableName varchar(40)

    set @TableName = 'TABLENAME'

    select distinct

    ServerName = @@ServerName,

    DBName = db_name(),


    ColumnName, as DataType,

    DataLength = cast(sc.length...

  • RE: Block the DBA?

    Echoing some of the previous post, very interesting, very dangerous.  Thanks for including the disclaimer at the end however, I pity the poor well meaning DBA who tries some of your...

  • RE: Database Placement

    Personally, I don't like the thought of all DB environments on the same server.  The potential of un-wanted access or modification to the production DB is to great.  I do not have...

  • RE: DTS pkg executes but scheduled job fails

    I find it helpful to break the error message up into statements to find the problem error.

    DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart: Drop table [QRSImport].[dbo].[alg]

    Step DTSRun OnStart: Drop table [QRSImport].[dbo].[apc]

    Step DTSRun OnStart:...

  • RE: Cycling Those Error Logs

    Your solution is fine. However, based on the way you db runs, the amount of activity etc., it may be over kill. I have a large number of...

  • RE: Transaction Log Reader

    In a word: LogExplore 3.0. It works.

Viewing 13 posts - 46 through 58 (of 58 total)