Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: OPENROWSET with spaces in sheet name

    Retry the second one prepended with "SELECT * FROM "

    SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=P:\Statements\Activity20100422.xls','SELECT * FROM [Trade Date Detail$]')

  • RE: Updating multiple rows.


    ---- YOUR CODE --------------------


    DECLARE @MobID as varchar (7)

    DECLARE @ServNum as char (9)


    SELECT @ServNum = (SELECT ServiceNumber FROM inserted)




    DECLARE @MobID as varchar (7)


  • RE: Updating multiple rows.

    Yes your right. Cursors blow... but so do correlated subqueries....which is what set-minded folks do for fancy looping. While statements don't calc for each tuple. But I am always looking...

  • RE: Updating multiple rows.

    Ok so I answered how to hold onto all the rows in table "inserted" and "deleted". Don't need a cursor for that. But you do for other stuff.

    It has...

  • RE: Trigger capture of modifications to a table

    This took me a while to do the first time but it works.

    Too bad SQL doesn't do this for us. I am not into all the bitmatching and hexing...

  • RE: Updating multiple rows.

    Oops on SQL in post, its a little hacked.

    At any rate I read your post again and thats really what I am doing too in this case.

    In my...

  • RE: Updating multiple rows.

    Hey the smily faces aren't mine, but use a temp table and maybe a cursor for nice processing of each row. Also don't listen to any rheotoric about cusors...

    Then you...

  • RE: Multiple precedence constraints pointing at a task

    No expert here but I know where you can find one.

    Check out

    This is a really useful site with tons of DTS expertise overflowing.

    His example of looping uses a...

  • RE: Dynamic DTS tasks problem

    How about Dynamic Properties Task? I can show SQLSERVER example you can fit to call PL/SQL proc or something?

    Add a "Dynamic Properties Task" to your DTS layout and put it in...

  • RE: How to get out EXEC(T-SQL) data?

    Your EXEC doesn't yet know about the parameter.

    Try this.

    SET @SQL = '

    SELECT @RESULT= nombre

    FROM OPENQUERY(linkedServer, ''

    SELECT lastname + '''', '''' + name  AS name

    FROM dbo.tblEmployees

    WHERE user_id = '''''...

  • RE: Timeout expired

    Docmd.TransferDatabase does not have timeout option and neither does your DSN you are using to see database.

    Are you willing to recode the solution?  Quickist is to make DTS package...

  • RE: It Cant be Done with SQL

    Nicely done. Hats off to sticking with TSQL for the solution.

    Good example with lots of step by step help.

    IMHO while other languages have features, TSQL is server based...

  • RE: Need Alternative to Stored Procedure

    Maybe the NOCOUNT like previous post needs to be ON

    It wasn't in your example and it has tripped me up many times in ADP.

    Wierd error messages that aren't really...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)