Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 239 total)

  • RE: The Certification Debate

    andycao (6/18/2012)

    2 jobs ago ... one of the most "frustrating" SQL DBAs that my deparment hired had all of Microsoft's DBA certifications. But his SQL coding was very suspect....

  • RE: The Certification Debate

    I've worked with people who had certs in given areas and I was surprised that they could even turn on a computer. Experience first and "paper" second is the way...

  • RE: 13 Disasters

    Number 3 on the list scares me the most because it is a subject I'm weak in. I understand the concepts of RAID and such and have configured this stuff...

  • RE: Managing Risk

    Alright, alright. We all have thick skin, are always right when we are wrong, public forums and on and on. How about we ALL get back to our regularly scheduled...

  • RE: Re-compilation and Its effects on Performance

    I've only had the need for WITH RECOMPILE once. I had a stored procedure that would gather data for a report and it was always returning something other than what...

  • RE: Managing Risk

    Feel better?

  • RE: Managing Risk

    No body has a right to free speech here. This is a server laying around in some cold dark room, not the government telling anyone to shut up. All of...

  • RE: Managing Risk

    Some people tend to place a higher value on their opinions than others do and those tend to be the people I block out while some can be the loudest...

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    Ah! Now I see it. I didn't catch that when importing the shape file. I left geom as the default.

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    I do not have those two. I see the add column statement for BoundaryGeog but nothing that either renames, drops and adds, etc BoundaryGeoM

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    Per your explanation of column names changing the statement as seen below resolves the issue.

    UPDATE tl_2008_us_state

    SET BoundaryGeog = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(Geom.MakeValid().STAsBinary(), 4326)

    WHERE NAME NOT IN('Massachusetts',...

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    I changed BoundaryGeom to BoundaryGeog as seen below and now it throws the following:

    UPDATE tl_2008_us_state

    SET BoundaryGeog = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(BoundaryGeog.MakeValid().STAsBinary(), 4326)

    WHERE NAME NOT IN('Massachusetts', 'New...

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    I noticed while looking at the table structure for tl_2008_us_state that there is a column called geom and one called boundaryGeog. Just mentioning this because it is odd those two...

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    I didn't actually. Not message, etc at all. A search of sys.objects in every database returns no results as well. On with the search..

  • RE: Create CNN-style Map in Reporting Services

    Step 3 seems to have issues

    UPDATE tl_2008_us_state

    SET BoundaryGeog = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromWKB(BoundaryGeom.MakeValid().STAsBinary(), 4326)

    WHERE NAME NOT IN('Massachusetts', 'New Mexico', 'Wyoming', 'Montana', 'Texas', 'North Carolina', 'Arizona', 'Tennessee',...

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 239 total)