Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 421 through 428 (of 428 total)

  • RE: SSMS Question

    They should become activated if you open up a MaintenancePlan document window in SSMS.

    to do that, do this:

    1. connect to your server in Object Explorer

    2. navigate to Management/Maintenance Plans

    3. right...

  • RE: Copy SQL 2000 Database

    You should be able to detach it from 2000 and reattach on 2005.

    Alternatively, you can make a backup in 2000 and restore from the backup on 2005. Then you'll...

  • RE: SQLCMD and OSQL - behaviour difference

    it may be that sqlcmd thinks the -D flag is meant for it, when in fact it is internal to the query passed on the cmd line.  This would be...

  • RE: Performance advice

    I doubt this would bring you much.  My experience is that cross database joins are fairly cheap.  It's the cross-server joins that kill you.

    I would suggest profiling the database server...

  • RE: Trigger on system table

    It should be possible as long as you have the perms to do it, but I am sure that MS does not support it, since you could damage your msdb...

  • RE: Create Database By XML in C# application

    You can also use the ServerConnection class in SMO to execute arbitrary scripts from code (even if they have GO keywords in them).

    Check out the ServerConnection.ExecuteNonQuery() and similar methods. 


  • RE: Calculating A Primary Key VS Idenitity

    ramses2nd suggested above using a GUID as a primary key, and using newid() for the default.  This is not a good idea if the pk is clustered since your insert perf...

  • RE: Transparent DB Server Naming?

    Yes, your developers need a firm spanking.  How do you expect hardcoded server names to work when the code moves from test to production?  (I assume you do test the...

Viewing 8 posts - 421 through 428 (of 428 total)