Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 153 total)

  • RE: Altering Column Values

    is your data type char or varchar? If the string you are holding in a char type column is less than the number defined, it will automatically be padded with...

  • RE: Altering Column Values

    Thanks for the feedback. However we could have helped you more if you actually stated what your real problem was...


  • RE: Altering Column Values

    For starters, start with something like Select val + '.html' from mytable

    I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out how to UPDATE a column.

  • RE: dynamic query

    Ah yes, varchar(Max). Sorry, I was still in SQL 2000 land...

  • RE: dynamic query

    I don't think you can. Build your parameters inline with your sql, and use the straight EXEC command instead of sp_executesql.

  • RE: ROUND problem


    Does this article put you on the right track?

    It seems like you are dealing with significant digits in scientific calculations.

    This function in particular just calculates 2 significant digits,...

  • RE: tsql case statement

    declare @HasAnyRows int


    DECLARE @Section int


  • RE: Comparing Datasets to create an "Update" File

    Thanks for the feedback. If something seems too good to be true, something must be wrong with it 🙂

    So how small of a chance is it that they could be...

  • RE: Comparing Datasets to create an "Update" File

    how about

    Create table #t1(col1 int primary key, col2 int, col3 int)

    Insert INTO #t1

    Select 1,1,1

    union all Select 2,1,2

    union all Select 3,1,3

    Create table #t2(col1 int primary key, col2 int , col3...

  • RE: what is the flow of this query?

    What I'm going to tell you is exactly what can be derived from looking at the Execution Plan as well:

    First, it will execute

    select orderid from soli as soli2

    where solineitemstatuscode...

  • RE: error in execution of multiselect parameter report in VS 2005

    Reporting Services passes multi select parameters as a comma delimited list, so depending on how you have it set up, it will most likely fail.

    If you're using a hard coded...

  • RE: select 3/4

    I have a little sample demonstrating what's needed for these things to work.

    use [TEST]


    create table #temp (MyNumber int)

    INSERT INTO #temp

    Select 2

    union all select 8

    union all select 10

    --integer division truncates any...

  • RE: stored procedure which checks the value in another table

    I'm afraid that requests to "please give me full stored procedure code" aren't going to get you very far on this board. At least show us what you've tried. Generally...

  • RE: Filter without dynamic SQL

    Of course there is, but you'll have to either continue down the path that I've taken here, and some more case statements, or you could rewrite it with regular boolean...

  • RE: Filter without dynamic SQL

    Kinda hard to say since I can't see your data. you say you know that you should get results for a 2 or three, but there are other things that...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 153 total)