Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Table Naming Question

    Good call on the Excel loads. I found someone here who had seen it before and I found that the owner is loading some data from Excel.

    Thanks for all the...

  • RE: Visual Studio not happening

    I know I set up a bad model I did not have complete control of the environment but, I am responsible for it. Go figure.

    I am revamping it now that...

  • RE: How To Kill UNICODE???

    There is really nothing to add or clarify. The OLE DB source adaptor automatically sets a string stream to DT_WSTR (UNICODE). Period. No exceptions. So, now if you don't want...

  • RE: Writitng To DB2 Table in Dataflow road block

    Yes we are using DB2connect. I will pass this on to our DBAs it is the only option I had left (besides doing everything in DB2 then bringing results down).


  • RE: Conversion Fail-Potential Data Loss

    Try using DT_DBDATE instead. I have had better luck with it.

  • RE: Connection Manager passwords

    Ah hell, Crispin, I don't expect the package properties to be in the variables or anywhere in particular, I just want to get at them at runtime so I can...

  • RE: Accessing Package Variable in a Script

    Hi Crispin,

    That's exactly what I am seeing. I just run headfirst into a Misnomer and the variables pane is just names and initialization values (not really current values)!

    I created a...

  • RE: Accessing Package Variable in a Script


    I am having a very similar problem.

    In the variables collection, I created a variable called theDate of type String.

    I set it to "1/2/2003"

    In the the script setup properties, I set...

  • RE: Upgrading to SQL 2005 - Now using dts a lot

    I ran into this yesterday working on my first SSIS package. All I was trying to do is grab some records from a DB2 database and toss 'em in my...

  • RE: Error 137 (not again!)

    Bingo. You rock!

    I wish Microsoft would have made that clear in the docs.




Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)