Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Using FULL JOINs to Compare Datasets

    Agreed - however if the tables have a lot of fields instead, the where clause will be long and tedious to maintain.

  • RE: Using FULL JOINs to Compare Datasets

    The FULL OUTER JOIN method shown in the article has one major flaw compared to the EXCEPT method - identical rows are not excluded from the result set. With the...


    skjoldtc (9/24/2009)

    A suggestion for future questions. Maybe not all questions need sample code.

    Although some questions very well could be written without sample code I think it is generally a...

  • RE: List all user databases

    Thanks for the replies - using the database_id seems to be a solid workaround (even though it still puzzles me that there is no regular field to display system vs....

  • RE: List all user databases

    I would like to fire up a T-SQL query that gave me more or less the output I get from "select * from sys.databases" - but without the system databases....

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)