Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 159 total)

  • RE: SAN v SQL Server backups

    The crux of the problem is that the company hosting the database has sold the client on it. Technically we are at no legal responsibility to do anything or manage...

  • RE: -2147467259 - [DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (send()).]General network error. Check your network documentation

    Hey everyone,

    This thread has a long and storied history. I want to add this little tidbit of information.

    One of the suggested changes is to disable the TCP Offload in Windows,...

  • RE: Stupid full Backup error

    For me, redunancy is important, but you are correct that your recovery is only as good as the backup files available. More copies of the file help to prevent loss,...

  • RE: Stupid full Backup error


    Let me rephrase my previous post.

    By Shared Drive Location, I meant to write backups to not to keep data or transaction logs on. In that case the safer bet is...

  • RE: Stupid full Backup error


    Have you had success with mapping a shared directory on another server?

    What we do right now is backup to a local drive, then after the backup completes we run...

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 RC 0

    The funny part about setting the compatibility mode to 90 is that it completely defeats the purpose of installing 2008!

    I found other ways to deal with my issue. I just...

  • RE: Pros of frequent transaction log backups, articles?

    EllieDBA (3/20/2009)

    I am trying to convince one of our managers for more frequent transact log backups during the day or at night (currently I have a job that does it...

  • RE: Symantec Backup Exec and SQL Server script backups...over redundant?

    I've seen a large number of enterprises get sucked into these "SQL Agents" thinking that it will really help them out.

    As already stated, I've not seen a recovery work...

  • RE: How to find backup frequency


    You make a good point. There is more in the MSDB that can assist in determining backups and all that. I also thought about pulling Maintenance Plan information into that...

  • RE: How to find backup frequency

    I tried this on SQL 2005. It is a little crude, but should get you a good start on what you are looking for:

    SELECT sysjobs.NAME, sysjobsteps.database_name, sysjobschedules.next_run_date AS "YYYYMMDDD", sysjobschedules.next_run_time...

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements Part - I

    Enjoyed the article, but like it if you would compare Intellesense to Redgate SQL Prompt.

    I've used both and I admit that I am a bit biased when it comes...

  • RE: Backup on Remote Machine


    If the tape drive is shared you should be able to write the backup to the other Server's device providing the account running the SQL Agent has rights to that...

  • RE: Transaction Log file size running away

    Okay, I agree that a full database backup will also perform a truncation of the log. I did not intend to indicate that it does not.

    The only time I would...

  • RE: Transaction Log file size running away

    Perry Whittle (1/6/2009)[hr

    under simple recovery the transaction log is automatically truncated at backup time. If you're only backing up once a week then that could be your issue. Make regular...

  • RE: sql 2005 encryption

    I'm not 100% sure if you are trying to encrypt all of your data or what you are looking for, but there is an encryption option available on the networking...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 159 total)