Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 58,861 through 58,873 (of 58,873 total)

  • RE: Returning multiple rows from single row

    >I would like to do this in a view if possible becuase it is going to be used as the data source to a report designer.

    How would you pass a...

  • RE: using a local variable in the USE statement

    Haven't tested this but should (may?) work...
    declare @db SYSNAME

    set @db =

    (select TOP 1 Name from dbo.sysdatabases

    where name like 'CCM%'

    order by crdate DESC )

    EXEC ('USE '+ @db

  • RE: Converting datetime to a numerical number

    If your dates are, in fact, stored as SQL DateTime datatypes, there is no need to convert the dates to numeric representations to have them sort correctly.  Just do an...

  • RE: Time calculation

    noeld had it right but swapped the @StartDate and @EndDate... his SELECT statment should have looked like this and THEN you would probably have the correct answer...

    select Convert(varchar(5), @ENDDate -...

  • RE: datetime conversion

    Actually, I think you're using the wrong function... in most cases, CAST and CONVERT work the same way...
    ...except for dates and then CONVERT works very nicely for converting DateTime values...

  • RE: sp_executesql Question

    First, thanks for pointing out the difference there, Butch.  Guess I better get some glasses!

    And, thank you pnewhart, for pointing out just exactly...

  • RE: sp_executesql Question

    Maybe it's just me and I really am going blind... would someone tell me what the difference is between the two lines that pnewhart put in his last post?

  • RE: Help! Delete operation is VERY SLOW

    My experience has been that 2 DELETE queries will run much faster than a single query with a BOOLEAN "OR".  Also, even with the "SIMPLE" recovery method set, the deletes...

  • RE: Removing the time from a datetime database field

    As I alluded to in my original posting...

    Casting (or Converting) the date as INT or BIGINT may give you the wrong (next day)...

  • RE: sp_executesql Question

    The basis of sp_executesql is that it is calling a Stored Procedure in your database, somewhere.  Stored Procedures are "precompiled". That is, the execution plan for the Stored Procedure was created...

  • RE: Removing the time from a datetime database field


    Just in case you still don't have an answer...

    If you want to do the join as if TIME where not included in the...

  • RE: How to convert vertical records to horizontal?

    Be careful... if any NULLS, answer will be NULL unless "Concatenate Nulls Yields Nulls" is turned off.

  • RE: How to convert vertical records to horizontal?


    Don't be so quick to give up on the data layer.  I had a similar challenge... I've posted ALL the code including the example data and table creation.  The actual...

Viewing 13 posts - 58,861 through 58,873 (of 58,873 total)