Viewing 15 posts - 58,816 through 58,830 (of 58,835 total)
I'm confused... wouldn't it just be a lot easier to put all of the companies' information in a single table with a CompanyID column? Isn't that what 3rd normal form...
March 16, 2004 at 10:27 pm
Using Jonathon's example...
FROM Table a JOIN Table b ON a.Col <= b.Col
March 14, 2004 at 8:44 pm
Before it get's much more complicated, perhaps you should look into OLAP Services which comes free with MS-SQL... OLAP (online analytical processing) is on of the "other" things on your...
March 14, 2004 at 8:35 pm
March 4, 2004 at 9:59 pm
All well and good...
But the "poster" said that he wanted to do this as a VIEW! I asked the question a while back, "How...
March 3, 2004 at 5:28 pm
>I would like to do this in a view if possible becuase it is going to be used as the data source to a report designer.
How would you pass a...
March 2, 2004 at 9:19 pm
set @db =
(select TOP 1 Name from dbo.sysdatabases
where name like 'CCM%'
order by crdate DESC )
EXEC ('USE '+ @db
March 2, 2004 at 8:47 pm
March 2, 2004 at 8:35 pm
noeld had it right but swapped the @StartDate and @EndDate... his SELECT statment should have looked like this and THEN you would probably have the correct answer...
select Convert(varchar(5), @ENDDate -...
March 1, 2004 at 9:08 pm
March 1, 2004 at 9:01 pm
First, thanks for pointing out the difference there, Butch. Guess I better get some glasses!
And, thank you pnewhart, for pointing out just exactly...
March 1, 2004 at 8:48 pm
Maybe it's just me and I really am going blind... would someone tell me what the difference is between the two lines that pnewhart put in his last post?
February 28, 2004 at 12:47 pm
My experience has been that 2 DELETE queries will run much faster than a single query with a BOOLEAN "OR". Also, even with the "SIMPLE" recovery method set, the deletes...
February 25, 2004 at 8:52 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 58,816 through 58,830 (of 58,835 total)