Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Alert for sp_addserver/sp_dropserver ??

    try a trigger on inserts of sysservers table in the master db. 

  • RE: sql mail and outlook 2003

    What account are the SQL and SQL Agent services running under?  If not a domain user, then you will need to execute the xp_startmail stored procedure to start the mail...

  • RE: Temporary Table Column Name

    Just curious why you would need to do this?  You create the temp table through code, so you should know what the columns in it are. 

  • RE: hardcoded into cursor, help plz

    Sounds like you need a cursor where your SQL statement would be:

    Select n.something, count(*) as Number


    group by n.something

    This will get you all groups that have records you are tyring to...

  • RE: Finding out a record

    A Cursor and fetch relative command may work best, especially if you may be sorting the records by different fields.

    For example:

    create spRecordNo @rcdno int

    declare @CustId varchar(20)

    Declare tmpCursor Dynamic for (Select...

  • RE: SQL Newbie - date ?

    Where convert(varchar(50),ContractDate,101) = convert(varchar(50),getdate(),101)



Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)