Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)

  • RE: Time Zones

    Lynn Pettis (7/19/2012)

    I just don't like the blanket statement as a whole, sorry.

    I don't either, but that's for another day.

  • RE: Time Zones

    paul.knibbs (7/19/2012)

    I'm pretty sure that farmers themselves don't give half a monkey's for DST--they structure their day around the rising and setting of the sun, and what direction the hour...

  • RE: Time Zones

    jbnv (7/19/2012)

    djackson 22568 (7/19/2012)

    jbnv (7/18/2012)

    djackson 22568 (7/18/2012)

    jbnv (7/18/2012)

    Given Americans' obnoxious refusal to use common-sense things like the metric system and dollar coins instead of bills...


    You don't know me. I am...

  • RE: Time Zones

    Scott D. Jacobson (7/18/2012)

    Chris.C-977504 (7/18/2012)

    It's little things like that that make us crazy psycho stronger! Yeah, stronger -- that's the word.

    (Yes... humor intended)

    -Chris C.

    Been listening to...

  • RE: Time Zones

    marlon.seton (7/18/2012)

    Mad Myche (7/17/2012)

    a perfect instance would be the State of Michigan, which has 75000 people an hour behind the rest of the state

    What? What?? How did you get...

  • RE: Time Zones

    Tao Klerks (7/17/2012)

    Chris.C-977504 (7/17/2012)

    GetDateUtc() would return UTC time according to the server.

    The naming's not exactly what you're asking for, but the function exists:

    SELECT GetUTCDate()

    FANTASTIC! Thanks for letting me know

    I don't...

  • RE: Time Zones

    I do NOT like the idea of moving from numbers to the use of text within the SQL Server functions.

    It would cause both a lot of extra processing and added...

  • RE: Time Zones

    Adding a set of functions with 'UTC' appended would help.

    GetDate() would continue to return the local time according to the server.

    GetDateUtc() would return UTC time according to the server.

    I happen...

  • RE: Technology Guilt

    chrisn-585491 (6/18/2012)

    Imagine the economy as a database server. Right now the consumer economy of the US is I/O starved. ...

    Which side is I/O starved: consumer demand or consumer supply?

  • RE: Technology Guilt

    It's a shame that some posters seem to be on the 'hate the rich/managers/etc' political position, because this is actually a good question that we should think about.

    Don't think...

  • RE: Never, Ever Use Clustered Indexes

    Grant Fritchey (5/31/2012)

    ...I was trying to make the point that "generic" database designs aren't really possible due to the nature of the underlying infrastructure. Clearly failed.

    Well you didn't completely fail...

  • RE: Never, Ever Use Clustered Indexes

    I almost flipped the bozo bit before I got to the fourth paragraph.

    Now that I've read the whole article, I'm really not clear what your message is.



  • RE: SQL Server 2012 Certifications Revamped

    mhaskins 96481 (5/22/2012)

    TravisDBA (5/21/2012)


    ...the main purpose of certifications is to continue to make money... 😀

    I completely agree.


    It's all about the bottom line. And the bottom line is: those exams...

  • RE: Being Responsible for Code

    L' Eomot Inversé (5/2/2012)

    ...the attitude that all errors that get out are the responsability of management or of QA... is unmitigated nonsense;

    it's the developers job to do enough unit...

  • RE: Being Responsible for Code

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (4/30/2012)

    What is seems is that there isn't a good process for tracking this and working on improving things at many companies... there ought to be...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 57 total)