Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)

  • RE: Get First row value

    Yes, does my solution (bottom pg 3) work or not?

  • RE: Excluding in a query with multiple conditions?

    Select {col1, Col2, ...Coln} From {Table}

    Where NOT (Department = 2 And Category2 = 'B')

    And NOT (Department = 2 And Category3 = 'C')

    And NOT (Department = 3 And Category1 =...

  • RE: User Defined Function Execution

    Hmm I know exactly how UDF's work given that I write/use them but this question must have been worded really badly (for me).

    "SELECT UDF FROM Table" - to me this...


    Works fine in SQL2000.. you'd get the start date column twice (once at start, once wherever it naturally sits in the order of columns on the table.. and order by...

  • RE: Get First row value

    If you can make the assumption "Smallest MID is always the 'first' row for each code" then this should work:

    -- Using MID (assumption: Smallest ID = "first")

    SELECT PD.Code,



    FROMPDetails PD


  • RE: COUNT and NULL

    No problem at all - glad I could help 🙂

  • RE: Ordereing an IP address

    Derek Dongray (4/30/2008)

    janine.rawnsley (4/30/2008)

    The table variable is only created for demo purposes..

    Just use ORDER BY CAST(replace (IPAddr,'.','') as int)

    No, because this would place '' before ''.

    Also addresses like ''...

  • RE: Ordereing an IP address

    The table variable is only created for demo purposes..

    Just use ORDER BY CAST(replace (IPAddr,'.','') as int)

  • RE: Ordereing an IP address

    Tell me I'm wrong.. if I am.. but isn't this the simplest way?

    -===== Create a table to demo with

    DECLARE @DemoTable TABLE (IPAddr VARCHAR(15))

    INSERT INTO @DemoTable (IPAddr)

    SELECT '' UNION...

  • RE: SELECT MIN and MAX Date for eacy day in a month range

    Well, since you appear to only be running it for a month at a time, why not simplify it and use DATEPART in your grouping?


    MIN(add_date) as 'First Log',

    MAX(add_date) as 'Last...

  • RE: COUNT and NULL

    I've made a few assumptions hence my larger query:

    1, You won't always have a job within a category with a create date or filled date that falls within the desired...

  • RE: COUNT and NULL

    If I'm understanding your requirement correctly, something like this? Sorry if I've over-complicated but I'm trying to cater for all possible scanrios here (including there being no jobs at all...

Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)