Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Byte Me: Model Employee

    Well said, xyoung. I agree completely. Things are better. I'm currently in a job that just a few short years ago existed only in dreams.

    jckfla doesn't get it. Isn't...

  • RE: Byte Me: Model Employee

    Wow. You've spent paragraph after paragraph telling everyone how vastly experienced you are, how sensitive and supportive you are to your coworkers, previous employers and employees love you. Yet,...

  • RE: Byte Me: Model Employee

    I did not say that it exists "everywhere". You're the only who said that. Perhaps you, while you worked in those "dozens" of shops, viewed the workplace with a...

  • RE: Byte Me: Model Employee

    There's some definite hateful trolling going on but not by Grasshopper.

    As a 60 year old woman who has been in IT since the 80's I found the cartoon offensive....

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)