Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Excel very sluggish after export

    Exporting to Excel with more than or equal to 60000 records makes it very slow since one sheet can hold only max of 60000 records.Hence it is advisable...

  • RE: working with multiple dataset withing a table in SSRS

    Hi ,

    If it s neccessary to use two dataset,then Use the concept of Subreports

    Place a subreport in the table of ur First report


  • RE: Nested Iif expression...


    Reporting server supports conditional statement 'iif' only...not if..

    iif(Condition,value if true,vlaue if false)

  • RE: Number Format


    If u want to trim all the zero's,ie if the value of feild is 1.23450000,select in the properties>> FORMAT as Number.

    then this will return values with out 1.2345

  • RE: String Concatenation


    what is your dataset for the table? Member...ya..Shared..??

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)