Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 9,601 through 9,615 (of 9,640 total)

  • RE: Selects and Locking

    Any time you are accessing a database in SQL Server using ODBC or ADO the connection will take a Shared lock on the DB.  So this should not affect the...

  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    You are right in SQL2000 you can use create table in a trigger.  I was working in SQL 7 when I could not use that statement in a trigger.

    You are...

  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    What doy ou mean by change the columns quite often?  Are you renaming and/or changing the datatype?  How many columns in a table?  If your tables are that large maybe...

  • RE: Selects and Locking

    If you are testing using Query Analyzer the status pane at the bottom of the active window will tell you your spid.  You can then run the system stored procedure...

  • RE: Monthly contest

    I agree and am glad Frank gave me an opportunity to score 2pts.  While the contest is cool anyone who is posting just for points probably isn't adding value.  I...

  • RE: Automatic Report Generation (crystal reports)

    I read a column about this type of thing where it was called a "Worst Practice".  THe issue with calling an outside program from a trigger is that if that...

  • RE: Some inteligent way of implementing?????

    The only issue with implementing using a partitioned view is that you cannot use identity in any of your base tables, so if you have you WILL NOT see a...

  • RE: To View or not to View

    I'm not a huge fan of views.  If it can be done in a view I usually do it in a stored procedure.  The only downside is that I am...

  • RE: datetime conversion

    Sql Server also a neat function QuoteName() that can help clean up all the single quotes.  You could use Select QuoteName(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120), '''')which will return '2004-03-03'.  It is a little easier...

  • RE: Dynamically creating new database fields and retireving data from them

    I definitely would not be dynamically creating tables and or fields in a database I designed.  A simple solution for this is to go with an attribute structure for each...

  • RE: How to get out EXEC(T-SQL) data?

    Why use openquery at all?  You could just do:


            @result = nombre




             user_id = @login 


  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    How about:


            'Col1' as col_name,

            I.col1 as new_val,

            D.col1 as old_val


            inserted I Join

            deleted D On

                       I.primary_key = D.primary_key And

                       I.col1 <> D.col1



            'Col2' as col_name,


  • RE: SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

    I have not deployed any RS rpeorts yet, but if you are using stored procedures as the source for your data and/or properly written and optimized sql code you should...

  • RE: Looking for software that can do performance monitoring

    There is a free tool called SQLCheck from Idera ( that shows some key perfomance stats.  Of course, since it is free it does not save the stats.  They...

  • RE: Selects and Locking

    In this instance you should not need to provide any locking hints as SQL Server will use the lock with the smallest granularity (likely Rowlock) in this instance.

Viewing 15 posts - 9,601 through 9,615 (of 9,640 total)