Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 229 total)

  • RE: Stats_date()

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (6/10/2016)

    It's funny. Some people see titles, some don't. Some see tags, some don't.

    It becomes hard to make a good question that doesn't give things away,...

  • RE: The altered view

    paul.knibbs (6/9/2016)

    D'oh, I must be blind...completely failed to notice the column in the view was called Qty while the SELECT was querying against OrderQty. :crying:

    K-K-K-Kofee ... must ... get ...

  • RE: Interview Questions Help

    especially when they admitted not having any interest on improving their skills

    The applicant from Hell ...

  • RE: Interview Questions Help

    Luis Cazares (8/5/2015)

    You could use something as the differences of EXEC() and sp_executesql. Or just ask for them. You might want to ask about how to prevent SQL Injection (or...

  • RE: sp_executesql : Trying to make sense of OUTPUT param

    OK, thanks.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"](but it still looks weird...)[/font]

  • RE: sp_executesql : Trying to make sense of OUTPUT param

    I have used a trivial example - should have considered that the normal reaction would be that dynamic T-SQL is totally unwarranted for something so silly. I agree.

    I already...

  • RE: Beginning a CTE

    The points are not merely "bragging" points. They are a way to recognize the tremendous effort made so generously by the heavy hitters providing answers and guidance to the entire...

  • RE: Beginning a CTE

    "Too much existing code to break".

    Microsoft did push Visual Basic dot nyet invalidating VB 6 code.

    Microsoft did bump Silverlight off the main path - though still supported, the new Edge...

  • RE: Executing as my own context

    Thanks, Steve for this question, which highlights that the use of SELF is really dangerous. If you create a procedure and add WITH EXECUTE AS SELF to it, anyone...

  • RE: Executing as my own context

    I was left with the impression that this would cause the name of the CREATOR of the stored proc to appear even if an another user ran it.

  • RE: Database Design Follies: NULL vs. NOT NULL

    In the old days, [font="Courier New"]NULL[/font] was meant as "does not apply". For instance, in a common table [font="Courier New"]Entities[/font] shared by both persons and legal persons (companies) the row...

  • RE: Difficult delete question

    GSquared (5/31/2016)

    CTEs, used appropriately, are a great way to simplify otherwise complex data manipulation tasks.

    Just finishing K. Kellenberger's "Expert T-SQL Window functions in SQL Server". CTE's are used extensively. In...

  • RE: Report writing

    I suggest you look at your datasource definition. This will tell you where the data is coming from.

  • RE: Report writing

    Did not think of this possibility. I just considered this was posted in the SSRS forum ...

  • RE: Report writing

    You will need a column to display the results.

    It does not have to be an "extra" column in the tablix, you can use an existing column, if it does not...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 229 total)