Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)

  • RE: how to replace function to sp or view

    thanx guys, its working now and thanx for your suggestion also.

  • RE: need help in my SP

    Thankyou so much, its working now. Thanx again.

  • RE: Query Optimization

    Here is my View:

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.TvsRecords.TvsRecordID, dbo.TvsRecords.TvsFormNo, dbo.TvsRecords.SystemFormNo AS ScanID,


  • RE: Image fields in group by clause

    I don't want to group by on Image field, i just want this in my select list, but as i told in my post, some fields have expression so if...

  • RE: Script DB problem

    Thanx for ur reply, but i cant find the option "drop existing", in this no option exists with this name.

  • RE: Dynamic Query writing help

    Thanx Jack your testing query really helping me a lot . Thankyou so much .

  • RE: unique index with multiple nulls

    i know this , by design it support 1 null only, but is there any other solution exists?

  • RE: check my query plz and help me

    Hello here is my query:

    SELECT DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,0,TransactionDate),0) TransactionDate,

    COUNT(TransactionID)as VehiclesCount,

    SUM(ChargedAmount) as ChargedAmount

    FROM Transactions

    where TransactionDate between DATEADD(Hour, -6,getdate())

    and getdate()

    GROUP BY DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,0,TransactionDate),0)

    ORDER BYTransactionDate desc

    It returns the data of last 6 hours from...

  • RE: need help in case stmt

    i need both in 1 query as i make 2 queries 1 for count and 1 for Sum and then make a union that returns 2 tables, but is this...

  • RE: need help in Flat file db systems

    The following error encountered when the Network is too slow: " Tha path of file is too deap"

    And the other problem as i post in this form earlier the...

  • RE: need help in Flat file db systems

    Thankyou so much for ur reply, Right now we call Access as a Flat File db systems . kindly tell me is there any way to restore access db if...

  • RE: need help in my query

    Thankyou so much for replying , thanx

  • RE: need help in DB design

    Here are the Requirements:

    Following parts of the project are:

    1.Customers Records

    2.Vendors Records



    Customers Records:

    In Customer Record Form following field should be entered

    1.Customer ser name like “Mr” or “MISS”

    2.Customer Name...

  • RE: plz help me

    Thanx R2ro for ur reply, but when i run ur query it gives me following error: incorrect syntax near ( plz tell me the correct one without error as i...

  • RE: plz help me

    hey i got it now u plz check it. is it fine or not?

    CREATE PROCEDURE ChartGetRegisteredUsers


    SELECT count(DistributorID)

    from Distributors

    WHERE approvalstatuscode = 2 union all (SELECT count(ResellerID)

    from Resellers


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)