Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: SQL 2000 Installation problem

    Thanks evrybody for all the help and good suggestions.  I will get back with the hardware guys to run diagnostics and check the RAID configuration.  Hopefully they can find something. ...

  • RE: SQL 2000 Installation problem

    I used 3 different way to install, using mapped drive, from the CD and copying the CD on the local hard drive.  All have the exactly same effect.  I had...

  • RE: SQL 2000 Installation problem

    No error in event log.  Finally I am able to install the SQL server, but it was very-very slow.  I checked the sqlstp.log file and there is no error.  Now...

  • RE: SQL 2000 Installation problem

    Thanks Allen for all the replies so far (and forgive me for the typo..)

    I rebooted the machine several times.  As a matter of fact I restarted the setup again and...

  • RE: SQL 2000 Installation problem

    It doen't seems like that it is failed.  Setup file is still running when I check the processes from the task manager.  It just doen't repond back after couple of...

  • RE: SQL 2000 Installation problem

    File is not even there.  I searched my whole hard drive.  I think it is not even going that far.


  • RE: Restore

    Thanks a lot.  I will try that.  The only concern I had about restoring Master DB.


  • RE: SQL 2000 Upgrade

    Thanks everybody for the help. I will download the fix before my next installation. I tried myself to search before but I couldn't find this link.

    Thanks again.


  • RE: SQL 2000 Upgrade

    May be I wrote it incorrectly, I ran the 'Autorun.exe' from the SQL2000 CD (I didn't copy the file, what I meant was the progress of the installation displaying on...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)