Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Separate rows depend on Previous Row

    Would you please test with this data :

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    4    Campaign4    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Hot Drinks
    6    Campaign6    Advertizing
    7    Campaign7    Marketing

    With your code it will return :

    6    Campaign6    Advertizing
    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    5    Campaign5    Hot...

  • RE: Separate rows depend on Previous Row

    i need to get the data depend on Category (Food,beverage, hot drinks,....)
    but to be not duplicated for example if i have first row Beverage so when i select second...

  • RE: Separate rows depend on Previous Row

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food
    2    Campaign2    Beverage
    4    Campaign4    Food
    6    Campaign6    Beverage
    5    Campaign5    Food

    so result to be depend on category, and can not be duplicated by previous or next row, until no other choice

  • RE: Separate rows depend on Previous Row

    return two records :

    1    Campaign1    Beverage
    3    Campaign3    Food

  • RE: Separate rows depend on Previous Row

    the below working find with three rows :
    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (ID int, Name varchar(30), Category_Sort varchar(30)); Insert into @test-2 values(1,'Campaign1','Beverage') ,(2,'Campaign2','Beverage') ,(3,'Campaign3','Food') ;with mycte...

  • RE: Video File Duration

    Upload is done automatically , the user will select multiple files , then will press upload button, everything must be added to sql server table , this why i use...

  • RE: Video File Duration

    i used c# to do that using :

    Download package and add reference to NReco.VideoInfo.dll assembly

    var ffProbe = new NReco.VideoInfo.FFProbe();

    var videoInfo = ffProbe.GetMediaInfo(pathToVideoFile);



  • RE: XML Data

    Thank you : Alan Burstein

    your functions is very helpful

  • RE: Replace Rows with other in same table

    Thank you , Working

  • RE: Replace Rows with other in same table

    Actually i have google calendar file ics, when import it , it comes in one column everything so the whole script i did to have the previouse table is the...


    Thanks to all for your advices


    """ so be polite """ You said . amazing reply in technical forums, thanks by the way:-)


    Steve, please don't give me your advice, if you need to help you will do, if you don't , just don't reply, because sometimes anyone can search ,learn...


    if you please can you just help me to do it


    Ok , i have XML file and i import it to table from path, no wi need just to replace "c:\------" to just @path

    the below is my script...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)