Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Dynamic File Name and compression in DTS

    I haven't figured out global variables yet, but here is a solution that works for me.

    The code is in an ActiveX Script task that is the FINAL step in the...

  • RE: Dynamic File Name and compression in DTS


    I have a DTS package that works, and now I want to add the date to the output file name.

    Where, exactly, does this ActiveX script go?

    I tried adding it to...

  • RE: Partitioning - Part 3

    Thanks for the article - I have been wanting to learn more about partitioning, and your explanations are so clear! In my case, I am dealing with a data warehouse...

  • RE: Copy directory listing into a table

    Thanks again, Yelena.

    What to I do when SQL Server is on serverABC, but the directory whose listing I want is on serverXYZ? I tried

                execute  master..xp_cmdshell 'dir

  • RE: Copy directory listing into a table

    Thanks, Michael. I'll check out that thread.

  • RE: Copy directory listing into a table

    Thanks a lot, Yelena.

    Now just one more step: it works for the C:\ drive, but I need F:\Archive_bds2. Where do I insert that?

  • RE: dynamic Case

    I need to know how to put your code into a cursor that the application program will process to print a report. My report calculates the run-times of a series...

  • RE: dynamic Case

    amelvin, thanks for the great example. I'm a real beginner with CASE, but this is just what I need to do. I also need to put it into a cursor...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)