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Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    James Stover (7/21/2010)We are all temps. The past few years has really brought that into sharp focus. This is the present and future of work. Get used to it.

    Have you...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    dma-669038 (7/21/2010)I agree Travis, also one more point - when we say 'competency' it has a lot to do with how much of that is needed for this organization. [...]...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    James Stover (7/21/2010) But I take your point and it convinces me even further that a business should operate with as few employees as possible. You can have people,...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    IANAL gets used heavily over on; they venture into technology areas that are already rife with lawyers.

    I'm so used to it, that I had (momentarily) forgotten how like a...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    Understand that Americans are a very litigious society.

    IANAL, but I find myself forced to contemplate a class action on behalf of the American people in defense of our reputation. ...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    James Stover (7/20/2010)

    With this kind of behaviour, it's certainly no wonder to me why businesses don't want to be employers.

    Why, to listen to you, you'd think that such behavior has...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    The answer to your question - from my perspective - lies within the answer to the question: Is the DBA responsible for protecting the data in the database, or...

  • RE: Incompetent or Malicious

    I'd have felt a bit better about drawing a conclusion had the blog entry indicated that the guy said "I need a X terabytes more space on a minimum Y...

  • RE: How Do You Work?

    I wouldn't work for a company with a full "lock-down" policy, for pretty obvious reasons.  Knowledge is power, and the 'net gives me quick answers to mostly work related questions. ...

  • RE: Choices

    There is a light bulb in the garage at my parents' home that is AT LEAST 60 years old.  (Big old clear thing - you can see ripples in the glass...

  • RE: Choices

    To continue the analogy, over the 10 years you had the Ford Escort you traveled 300,000 miles/482803.2 kilometers...picking up untold tons of groceries, delivering thousands of suits for drycleaning and...

  • RE: Choices

    The question to me is always how productive can you be in a specific language...if VB .Net were as or more productive at RAD, then I'd think that the VB6...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)