Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 46 through 57 (of 57 total)

  • RE: Dumb Question!

    hope someone can help me get a bit more educated with sql server.

    if i have a clustered index on an identity column and insert a row, what lock is taken?...

  • RE: identifying offline databases

    actually, i think this works.

    SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases

    WHERE substring(convert(binary, status),len(convert(binary, status))-1,1) <> 0x02

  • RE: identifying offline databases

    problem with that is you need to change the database context for each database or create some kind of loop to change the database name in the function. i...

  • RE: Database does not appear in list!

    or use this....

    SELECT db_name(database_id),name,physical_name ,state from sys.master_files

  • RE: Sp_Cycle_ErrorLog not working

    its probably deleting errorlog.6 then and moving everything else up one so it looks like errorlog.1 has been deleted and not moving the current errorlog to errorlog.1

  • RE: Sp_Cycle_ErrorLog not working

    it looks like running sp_cycle_errorlog actually deletes the archived files from 1 to the max number. so 5 runs of the SP will delete errorlog.1 thru to errorlog.5. ...

  • RE: Sp_Cycle_ErrorLog not working

    nope, neither exec Sp_Cycle_ErrorLog or dbcc errorlog works before or after a checkpoint. cant restart the service as its prod. damn!!!!!!

  • RE: Sp_Cycle_ErrorLog not working

    it returns the archive number, date, log file size

    archive number = 0

    date = about 1 min ago

    log file size = 4G

  • RE: Sp_Cycle_ErrorLog not working

    anyone know a fix for this? i've got a 4G error log that wont recycle 🙁

  • RE: How to verify DB is in use

    take the db offline. see if anyone complains.

    or setup a job that snapshots sysprocesses for a certain amount of time and check the dbid column.

  • RE: MCTS 70-431 Down but not out!

    i thought 431 was the most difficult exam on the DBA certification.

  • RE: 70-443 is not a good exam.

    if i remember correctly, there were 6 case studys with each case study having between 4 and 12 questions.  the time for each case study ranged from 20 mins to 40 mins. ...

Viewing 12 posts - 46 through 57 (of 57 total)