Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

  • RE: Why are Women exiting It?

    actually, I never asserted that anyone was a slave to their chemisty, or that anyone is the mere sum of their chemical components. You're the one who brought up slavery....

  • RE: Why are Women exiting It?

    -- I was a little shocked that people even buy into all that pseudo-science these days --

    --Thanks Mike he needs to join us in the 21st century.--

    Sorry, but that's rubbish....

  • RE: Why are Women exiting It?

    The fact is that men and women are different. Men have higher testosterone and this affects the way their brains grow, giving them an advantage in mathematical/logical thinking. Women have...

  • RE: Naming Conventions

    I use suffixes (isn't Postfix a mail server?

    myStoredProcedure_usp is much better than a prefix, as I can actually jump to the sp...

  • RE: XQuery, Namespaces, and my descent into madness...

    I don't get it - vCard is the root node. How can I add another node without invalidating the schema?

  • RE: XML in posts

    In the end, that is what I did, thanks. It would still be a nice feature though.

  • RE: which collation to use?

    I think the forum has gone crazy. I'ts not just you Hanslindgren

  • RE: which collation to use?

    Thanks for the help, I've got it all nicely set to Latin1_General_CI_AS now.

    I'm staying away from the Quote button!

  • RE: Brits Make Good Hackers

    is that where MacGyver did his training?

  • RE: Brits Make Good Hackers

    . I wonder how many software deals just fell through and if we'll see an apology soon.

    To be honest, I don't think anyone in the tech industry from Britain would...

  • RE: capturing sql

    I take your point on board, but I don't usually use any triggers. But just to check I ran a script to check for all the triggers in the database...

  • RE: capturing sql

    Unfortunately, I can't use profiler as I'm not a sysadmin and I don't have ALTER TRACE.

    create Trigger ChangedDevelopments_trig on dbo.Developments

    for insert, update


    insert into dbo.Audits

    (userid, dated )

    select SYSTEM_USER, getdate( )

    from Inserted


Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)