Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 59 total)

  • RE: GroupBy/Having Question

    Hi Peter,

    I'm sorry I didn't get back to you about this sooner. I got the stored procedure working with my temp tables and thought I would come back to it...

  • RE: GroupBy/Having Question

    In order to get the results I needed, I ended up using a temp table for this. First I used a subquery to get the max strength and inserted those...

  • RE: sql2000 to sql2005

    To transfer jobs and logins, you could also use SSIS. There are tasks to transfer jobs, logins, database, and SQL Server Objects.

    When we migrated from SQL Server 2000 to...

  • RE: OPENQUERY returning funny data

    Sorry, I rewrote the query so as not to use the real column names. So there is not a space in the name.

    I tried changing some of the settings...

  • RE: OPENQUERY returning funny data

    I'm actually doing an exec(@sqlstatement) to do the Insert Into/select * from Openquery, but it's also happening when I do a very simple select query. The two MySQL text fields...

  • RE: How to Create Linked Server for a MySQL database using SQL Server Management Studio

    I figured out how to do this using variables. I used the sp_executesql and was able to return the new identity so that I can use it throughout my stored...

  • RE: Querying MySQL across a linked server

    Were you ever able to get the four-part name to work in order to query the MySQL linked server? I'm trying to do the same thing and I getting the...

  • RE: How to Create Linked Server for a MySQL database using SQL Server Management Studio

    These instructions for creating a linked MySQL server were great!

    I have a couple more questions concerning querying the MySQL tables. I am wondering if I have to use the...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Clustering Questions

    I have read that Active/Active and Active/Passive is not the correct terminology anymore and people are now using the terms single instance or multiple instance clusters. I wasn't sure how...

  • RE: Typed XML Storage

    "Whoever told me" is actually me reading different articles online about SQL Server XML data types, so it's actually me confusing the concepts. ...

  • RE: Typed XML Storage

    Thanks Mike! That really helps clear things up for me. I'll do some research on indexing that column.

    P.S. Go Big Red! Are you from Nebraska?

  • RE: using XQuery

    Thanks for your reply. I did get that to work as well, but we are trying to dynamically create the XMLValues.exist clause and pass it in to the stored procedure...

  • RE: Flatten Table Select Query

    That did it. Thanks so much.

  • RE: What type of task to use?

    I figured it out. The error I was getting for the expression in the Derived task was because I wasn't creating a package variable. I was trying to do this:


  • RE: Error with nvarchar(max) column

    I rebooted my machine, created a new package and no longer receive the Ole DB accessor error. I also went back and executed the previous packages that were giving me...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 59 total)